Tuesday, November 16, 2010

Does rising unwed births mean Blacks are less moral?

Of all of America's ethnic groups Blacks have the largest percentage of unwed mothers, does that mean that Blacks are less moral than others? It probably means Blacks are not inclined to have abortions.

It's startling truth that Blacks and Hispanics have more children out of wedlock than other races. It's a problem because as Eurweb.com reports cjildren of unmarried mothers of any race are more likely to perform poorly in school, go to prison, use drugs, be poor as adults, and have their own children out of wedlock.

The black community's 72 percent rate eclipses that of most other groups: 17 percent of Asians, 29 percent of whites, 53 percent of Hispanics and 66 percent of Native Americans were born to unwed mothers in 2008, the most recent year for which government figures are available. The rate for the overall U.S. population was 41 percent.

There is growing rate of unwed motherhood in the Black community as well as an increasingly relaxed view of morality in the entire nation. In 1965 24 percent of Blacks were unwed mothers compared with four percent of whites.

Does that Blacks and Hispanics are less moral than whites? No, it probably means that both of the ethnic groups are less inclined to have abortions either by choice or circumstance.
Whites are probably just as indicted by the social demoralization, but the availability of abortions reduces their states.

Either way, there is a problem.