Before I could unpack, I rushed to the facility and was greatly disturbed because there were cars parked everywhere, "This woman has lost her mind," I thought.
When I walked in the door, I was hit with a giant, "Surprise!"
They got me!
There were church members, family, politicians, and friends packed into the facility and big projector on the stage that showed videos tributes from people I have mentored over the years. There was food, laughter, music, and memories.
God was praised.
It was the first birthday, I've ever had. Ever.
Some denominations teach that we should not celebrate birthdays. They note that birthday celebrations are only mentioned twice in the Bible, the Egyptian Pharaoh in Joseph’s time (Genesis 40:20) and King Herod in Jesus’ time (Matthew 14:6; Mark 6:21). Since both these men were non-believers, they think it's wrong to have a birthday party.
Celebrating birthdays is not prohibited in scripture. If a Christian chooses to celebrate a birthday as a special day, that’s all right; if a believer does not celebrate birthdays, that’s all right, too. Let each be “fully convinced in his own mind.” (Romans 14:5-6)
It's a matter of choice, but if there is a celebration, it should be done decently and in order in a way that glorifies the Lord.
They surprised me on my 70th birthday.
They gave me a party to remember.
God was glorified.