Tuesday, August 16, 2005

Thieves and Burglars

The police surrounded my office after the alarm went off. Our district association has been meeting this week, but I had to skip out when I received a call that my buglar alarm had been tripped by burglars.

I watched as police dogs moved through the building and police officers stood outside with hands on their holstered weapons shouting commands to the burglar if he was in the building.

After about an hour the drama was over. With the exception of the broken glass and fingerprint powder everywhere, it was done. Nothing was taken apparently. The alarmed surprised the burglars.

It was a reminder that Jesus said not to put your trust in worldly goods where burglars and thieves can get to them. We should put our treasures in heavenly things where they are safe in the trust of God.

The burglars apparently didn't get the message.

For those burglars who don't follow Jesus' teaching...we buy burglar alarms.

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