Have you ever watched an X-Rated movie?
The X-Ray movies are generally considered ponographic because they appeal to the prurient interests of the viewer and exhibit little or no artistic value.
They are hard-core, raw, and go beyond the boundaries of decency. Yet, most of us have taken a peek at least once.
Some are still peeking.
If our lives were rated in heaven, I wonder what the rating would be?
X-Unsaved sinner who sins, loves it and plans to continue.
R-Church members who feel they are old enough to sample the world. They sin a little, feel bad, then come back to church.
PG-Youth who believe in God but are fascinated by and attracted to the sinful life.
G-the Godly person who chooses to live for God, without peeking, pandering or having any interest in the life of sin.
What rating describes you right now. I never never made it to X but I can remember being "PG" and "R." What about you?
Some say the godly life is no fun; is that true? What I've discovered is that the godly don't need to get drunk, use drugs, engage in illicit sex or wild parties to have a great time.
The godly enjoy their families, lead successful lives, love their spouses, enjoy sports, art, music, and recreation. They fly airplanes, play basketball and are romantic, too.
In fact, the truly godly are having so much fun leading G-Rated lives that they have no interest in peeking, sneaking or venturing into the world of those who can't have fun unless everything around them appeals to their prurient interest.
The godly life is a blast.
The bible says in Psalm 1, "Psalms 1:1-2 (TLB) "Oh, the joys of those who do not follow evil men’s advice, who do not hang around with sinners, scoffing at the things of God. But they delight in doing everything God wants them to, and day and night are always meditating on his laws and thinking about ways to follow him more closely."
Sounds pretty good to me, especially since only lives rated "G-godly" are blessed by God.
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