Right in the middle of our conversation, I lost my signal.
The phone call was rather important I thought, especially since the two of us had been trying to connect for quite some time but had been playing phone tag. When we finally caught up with each other our exchange of information began; then suddenly the phone went dead.
"Hello, Hello, Can you hear me?" -There was no answer. Either I lost my signal or he lost his.
With all of the pressing technology that exists today no one should expect to finish a conversation because the prospect of an interrupted signal always exists.
When I thought about that I wondered about our conversations with God. Is it possible that some of us have been playing phone tag with God; He's been leaving us messages and we've been promising to get back to Him at our earliest convenience. That's when we promise to pray, read a devotional, or to attend a worship but never get around to it.
Even worse, there are times when we really need to talk to God but we lose our signal. You see, God hangs up on us if we try to talk to him while we are in the midst of our sins. Sometimes He looks at the ID, sees it's from someone who wants something but doesn't want to repent to get it. I'm sure when I'm in that state, my call gets ignored. It's like trying to talk to your grandmother while smoking a joint; she won't hear a word you have to say.
Better than Verizon or AT ant T, God can connect with us anywhere. There are no dead zones; but he has rules. We can't ask for blessings, healings,and guidance while we are willfully living sinful lives without repentance. If we want to get a call through without an interruption, we should make our first call an earnest plea for forgiveness; God will know it and pick up the phone.
There is a bible passage in Psalms 66:18 that says, "If I regard iniquity in my heart, the Lord will not hear me."
When we are straight with God the followings verses say in Psalms 66:19-20, "But verily God hath heard me; he hath attended to the voice of my prayer. Blessed be God, which hath not turned away my prayer, nor his mercy from me."
It's best that I try to straighten myself out before I try to hookup with God, or he may just hang up; or worse, not answer.
When he calls the next time, I'll change my location; find a signal and stay there, so I won't be interrupted again.
I'll do the same for my business caller, too.
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