She did wrong, he got the ticket; a case of injustice.
Have you ever been the victim of an unjust decision? Most of us have. It's not a great feeling.
Yesterday our bus driver began negotiating at right turn in a busy Atlanta intersection. As he swung out a woman decided to squeeze pass the bus as it turned. Her move resulted in a fender bender. She apologized to the driver, saying she thought she could make it through the tiny space between the bus and curb. She was very polite, apologetic and humble. When the police arrived, both accounts were told but the officer gave the bus driver the ticket.
The driver was stunned. The lady was surprised because she fully expected to get the ticket. She drove off smiling, leaving our driver frustrated because he felt himself the victim of an injustice.
Injustices may come on a small scale in the case of fender benders or in larger situations such as racial discrimination, intimidations or unfair practices. All injustices, whether large or small, leave victims.
We are surrounded by injustice but we are encouraged to remain just ourselves, remaining firm in our faith.
Habakkuk 2:4 "Behold, ...the just shall live by his faith."
It was an injustice, but our driver is strong. He is a man of faith.
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