Monday, February 26, 2018

I Admired Billy Graham

  In 1961 I was fascinated with evangelist Billy Graham’s televised crusades. I lived with the Hill family in Monroe, La. and they were very religious, watching the Graham crusade on television was a no brainer.
  It seemed that they were aired on CBS at least twice each year in our community.
  Mrs. Hill sat in front of the television religiously and watched, and so did the rest of her family, me included. Their conversation was about his intelligence, the large crowds and the presence of Negroes in the audience and choir.
  I watched with curiosity. It amazed me that so many people came to his rallies. I was even more amazed that when he gave the invitation that thousands came down to the altar to rededicate their lives to God.
  I first noticed his intelligent presence. He preached in a style that blacks called lecturing. He never yelled, but spoke clearly about Jesus as savior and his willingness to forgive. He offered that forgiveness and thousands accepted.
  I was also Impressed that he included Blacks in his choir and had Ethel Waters to sing “His eye is on the sparrow.” He was was criticized for his integrated crusades but he did not back down.That impressed me.
  I watched all of the televised crusades until they stopped airing them.
  He died in 2018 at the age of 99.
  He made an impression on me that lasted a lifetime.

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