Saturday, March 05, 2022

You gotta have swag

     One of former President Obama’s most redeeming qualities was that he had “swag.”

   He looked like he was in control and entered a room a podium with an air confidence that was inspirational.


    A person with swag gets attention.


If you ask the thug, having swag means to walk into a room with a walk that says you are the toughest, meanest dude in the room. 

    To the ghetto fabulous, it means to wear flashy clothes, with lots of glitz and diamonds, and fancy pick-up lines for the women. There are those with professional swag who stand tall and walk with a gait as if they owned the world.

In this view, the man or woman with swag is loaded with witty conversation, a designer label on a dress, and real hair soft enough to run fingers through.

   Godly Swagger is the man or woman who enters a room with the knowledge that the king of the world empowers him/her, but remains humble enough to keep the common touch. 

    Spiritual swagger dresses for the occasion, with taste and restraint, not too much here or showing so much there. It is confident, yet humble; it is sensitive to the feelings of others, polite, and mannerable.


   Godly swag is possessed by the man or woman whose walk in life has a purpose. It really has nothing to do with their walk, the clothes they wear, or their wealth. Their purpose walks into the room before they do.

   Their sense of purpose is what gives them Godly swag. 


   Romans 13:13 says, “Let us behave decently, as in the daytime, not in carousing and drunkenness, not in sexual immorality and debauchery, not in dissension and jealousy.” That’s spiritual swag.

   We should remember that our purpose is clear and is just.

   When our life-walk displays this attitude we have SWAG.

   Today, be confident and bold. You are a saved saint. You have Swag!

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