The sun and the moon are both and shining at the same time today!
I have only seen it once or twice in my lifetime, but today is one of those strange days when the both the sun and moon can be seen at the same time. That's odd because usually the when sun rises the moon disappears. However, today there is a strange thing happening in the sky (at least in my hometown). They are both shining at the same time.
Scientist tell us that the sun never stops shining. The moon does not really shine at all, it reflects the light from the sun. However, on occasion, when the the earth, the moon and the sun are all lined up just right...the unexpected happens in the heavens.
Think about yourself now. God is our glory and power. We only reflect a bit of his glory every day, but when we line ourselves up with the SON, the unexpected can happen in our horizon!
Many of you probably missed this strange phenomenon because you were so focused on the problems and issues of your life, that you didn't look up today.
You can miss your blessing, if you don't look up.
Psalm 121: "I will lift up mine eyes unto the hills from whence cometh my help, my help cometh from the Lord who made the heaven and the earth...the sun shall not smite thee by day or the moon by night. He that keepth Israel neither slumbers or sleeps!"
Your blessing is in the sky today! Look up!
Showing posts with label faith. Show all posts
Showing posts with label faith. Show all posts
Friday, October 29, 2010
Thursday, July 01, 2010
She believes in God but not in a personal way.
She believes in God but not in a personal way.
I recently shared with a brilliant young lady who is going places in life. She obeys the law, is climbing in her career and has great prospects. She was exposed to faith training as a girl but has since adopted a different views. She told me that she believes in God but not feel that God is personal.
I told her that she will change that view when life sends her scrambling for the God of her youth for nurture, strength, protection and guidance.
In my 41 years of ministry I have encountered many who share this belief. They believe in an all powerful creator of the universe, but their belief stops there. They feel no need for worship, fellowship with other believers or study of His word. They especially reject any formalities or limitations that may be associated with anything beyond a simple belief in a divine creator.
They believe in God. That's enough for them.
That works fine until we need God to respond to our life situation but our lack of faith keeps Him at a distance.
I believe that God is a person and is personal. As such, God loves: creates, destroys, angers, cares, rewards and punishes, saves, forgives and blesses. Since God is personal, we each have our own unique ID through which he identifies with us, hears us, guides us, correct us and opens doors for us.
Only those who believe in a personal God pray, otherwise prayer is a useless exercise because God does not take calls from mere mortals unless He's personal.
The trick in life is to allow God to be personal with us. In our thoughts we commune with Him and share our aspirations. In return He shares with us through inspiration, spiritual epiphanies, and teachable moments. When we pray we invite God into our business. Once invited God encourages, strengthens, inspires and renews. He also troubles us when we break or bend His rules; He works on our conscience.
It is the personal God who answers our prayers, lifts us when we we down, and gives us that second or third chance to get it right when we have failed.
Believing in God is the first step of faith. The second is to open the door of your heart and invite Him in. He knocks and waits for the invitation.
Revelation 3:20 "I stand at the door. I knock. If you hear me call and open the door, I'll come right in and sit down to supper with you."
When call on Him, we open the door and let Him in. That's when our lives change for the better.
Those who know Him personally begin to live fully functional, happy, blessed lives that meet life's challenge with the confidence that the God they believe in knows them personally and will hear their prayers and direct their paths.
I recently shared with a brilliant young lady who is going places in life. She obeys the law, is climbing in her career and has great prospects. She was exposed to faith training as a girl but has since adopted a different views. She told me that she believes in God but not feel that God is personal.
I told her that she will change that view when life sends her scrambling for the God of her youth for nurture, strength, protection and guidance.
In my 41 years of ministry I have encountered many who share this belief. They believe in an all powerful creator of the universe, but their belief stops there. They feel no need for worship, fellowship with other believers or study of His word. They especially reject any formalities or limitations that may be associated with anything beyond a simple belief in a divine creator.
They believe in God. That's enough for them.
That works fine until we need God to respond to our life situation but our lack of faith keeps Him at a distance.
I believe that God is a person and is personal. As such, God loves: creates, destroys, angers, cares, rewards and punishes, saves, forgives and blesses. Since God is personal, we each have our own unique ID through which he identifies with us, hears us, guides us, correct us and opens doors for us.
Only those who believe in a personal God pray, otherwise prayer is a useless exercise because God does not take calls from mere mortals unless He's personal.
The trick in life is to allow God to be personal with us. In our thoughts we commune with Him and share our aspirations. In return He shares with us through inspiration, spiritual epiphanies, and teachable moments. When we pray we invite God into our business. Once invited God encourages, strengthens, inspires and renews. He also troubles us when we break or bend His rules; He works on our conscience.
It is the personal God who answers our prayers, lifts us when we we down, and gives us that second or third chance to get it right when we have failed.
Believing in God is the first step of faith. The second is to open the door of your heart and invite Him in. He knocks and waits for the invitation.
Revelation 3:20 "I stand at the door. I knock. If you hear me call and open the door, I'll come right in and sit down to supper with you."
When call on Him, we open the door and let Him in. That's when our lives change for the better.
Those who know Him personally begin to live fully functional, happy, blessed lives that meet life's challenge with the confidence that the God they believe in knows them personally and will hear their prayers and direct their paths.
Sunday, June 27, 2010
The Boogie Man didn't get me although they said he would
I was afraid of the Boogie Man; he never showed up.
My father's home was next to the cemetery. I slept in the back room only about 15 feet from a row of tombstones that were harmless in the day but struck fear in my heart at night.
In my room, the wallpaper was loose and hung from the wall in places. However, at night the room was dark. I was alone and it seemed that someone from the graveyard was looking in the window. The hanging paper seemed to breathe. I was terrified because I was told that when I did wrong that the Boogie Man would get me. I remembered I was supposed to feed the chickens that day and didn't. I was terrified that for punishment the Boogie Man would get me. I hid my head under the covers and would not move. I was too afraid to go to the bathroom; I wet my bed. I believed that the Boogie Man would get me if I came from under the covers.
The next day I looked out the window only to learn that the graves had not opened. The wall paper still hung and that there was no one lurking in the bushes. The boogie man didn't get me.
For many years my actions were controlled by the threat that the "Boogie Man" would get me if I strayed.
The Boogie Man" is the composite of everything that we fear. He's the unseen character that lurks behind every bush, corner and turn, looking for a chance to prey on us.
The fear of failure or ridicule stops many from gaining the opportunities they should have in life. They are afraid of the Boogie Man.
God has promised to be with us in every situation. We are constantly told to have no fear as we daily work in his will. We should never be dismayed, overly frustrated or afraid.
Isaiah 41:10 says, "Fear not; for I am with thee: be not dismayed; for I am thy God: I will help thee; yea, I will uphold thee with the right hand of my righteousness."
When God shows up the Boogie Man disappears.
My father's home was next to the cemetery. I slept in the back room only about 15 feet from a row of tombstones that were harmless in the day but struck fear in my heart at night.
In my room, the wallpaper was loose and hung from the wall in places. However, at night the room was dark. I was alone and it seemed that someone from the graveyard was looking in the window. The hanging paper seemed to breathe. I was terrified because I was told that when I did wrong that the Boogie Man would get me. I remembered I was supposed to feed the chickens that day and didn't. I was terrified that for punishment the Boogie Man would get me. I hid my head under the covers and would not move. I was too afraid to go to the bathroom; I wet my bed. I believed that the Boogie Man would get me if I came from under the covers.
The next day I looked out the window only to learn that the graves had not opened. The wall paper still hung and that there was no one lurking in the bushes. The boogie man didn't get me.
For many years my actions were controlled by the threat that the "Boogie Man" would get me if I strayed.
The Boogie Man" is the composite of everything that we fear. He's the unseen character that lurks behind every bush, corner and turn, looking for a chance to prey on us.
The fear of failure or ridicule stops many from gaining the opportunities they should have in life. They are afraid of the Boogie Man.
God has promised to be with us in every situation. We are constantly told to have no fear as we daily work in his will. We should never be dismayed, overly frustrated or afraid.
Isaiah 41:10 says, "Fear not; for I am with thee: be not dismayed; for I am thy God: I will help thee; yea, I will uphold thee with the right hand of my righteousness."
When God shows up the Boogie Man disappears.
trusting God
Wednesday, June 23, 2010
Chasing storms? Not me; they chase me
They chase storms, I try to stay out of their way.
A van passed me recently; it was beautifully painted "Storm chasers." It sported several pieces of equipment that indicated that chasing hurricanes, tornadoes and windstorms was the nature of its business. Storm chasers seem to enjoy the whole idea of being in the middle of a storm with cameras rolling at full blast to record its every movement. They enjoy the thrill, danger and the sudden adrenalin rush and of course, the science. Sometimes the storms they chase catch up with them and overtake them.
I do just the opposite. Like most people I don't relish storms, whether they are hurricanes or the storms of life. Instead of chasing them, I'm usually trying to go the opposite way. I'd get fired from a storm chasing job.
When it comes to storms, believers have the joy of knowing that our savior can speak to the storms of our lives and command their silence. He can still the winds and ways.
We don't have to chase life's storms they will chase us without fail. When they do, our faith points us to Jesus, to speak to the situation.
I am reminded of this truth when I read, Mark 4:39-40 which says, "And he arose, and rebuked the wind, and said unto the sea, Peace, be still. And the wind ceased, and there was a great calm. And he said unto them, Why are ye so fearful? how is it that ye have no faith?"
Storm chasers enjoy the chase; I enjoy staying away.
A van passed me recently; it was beautifully painted "Storm chasers." It sported several pieces of equipment that indicated that chasing hurricanes, tornadoes and windstorms was the nature of its business. Storm chasers seem to enjoy the whole idea of being in the middle of a storm with cameras rolling at full blast to record its every movement. They enjoy the thrill, danger and the sudden adrenalin rush and of course, the science. Sometimes the storms they chase catch up with them and overtake them.
I do just the opposite. Like most people I don't relish storms, whether they are hurricanes or the storms of life. Instead of chasing them, I'm usually trying to go the opposite way. I'd get fired from a storm chasing job.
When it comes to storms, believers have the joy of knowing that our savior can speak to the storms of our lives and command their silence. He can still the winds and ways.
We don't have to chase life's storms they will chase us without fail. When they do, our faith points us to Jesus, to speak to the situation.
I am reminded of this truth when I read, Mark 4:39-40 which says, "And he arose, and rebuked the wind, and said unto the sea, Peace, be still. And the wind ceased, and there was a great calm. And he said unto them, Why are ye so fearful? how is it that ye have no faith?"
Storm chasers enjoy the chase; I enjoy staying away.
Friday, June 18, 2010
If it's still there after four hours- ha ha ha-hee hee
Have you seen the disclaimers on TV ads? They are hilarious!
TV ads often carry some type of disclaimer or warning. Sometimes the disclaimer is longer than the commercial.
When you think about it, many church members have disclaimers on their godly relationship. Our official commercial says, "I am a Church member. I believe in God. I am a follower of Christ."
Then the disclaimer comes:
"The faith I talk about on Sunday may not be reflected in my everyday living so any recordings or videos of what I say and do cannot be made without my written permission. Be advised that my actions are subject to change without notice. If any of my actions resemble actual Christians, living or dead, it is purely unintentional.
I can be washed in the blood but hand washed only in water warmed to my pleasing. Handle me with care and do not expose me to any situations that may bend me, fold me or otherwise get on my last nerve.
I am a Christian but this claim is void where it is prohibited or unpopular. You must accept me on an "as is basis" without any warranties expressed or implied.
Be on guard when you hear me speak because some of you may find my language objectionable with explicit lyrics, so parental guidance is advised.
I am able to show love in limited quantities on a one time per day per family basis, but I don't always come with a pleasant attitude, some assembly is required.
I'm a church member but I don't do much, you see, action figures are sold separately. I don't pray much so I don't have much power and batteries are not included.
If your dealings with me result in rash behavior, irritating conversation or swelling develops discontinue your dealings with me for a while. I must not be placed in stressful or flammable situations because I blow easily; I must not be punctured, cracked on or laughed at or I could be hazardous to your health.
I'm saved but don't deal with me if you see that my safety seal has been broken or tampered with by the devil. Sometimes I might make you sick to your stomach, if so, do not induce vomiting and if my behavior persists remember me in your prayers.
If I promise you anything allow four to six weeks for delivery but don't expect me to help in case of flood, hurricanes, lighting, volcanic eruption, tsunami, earthquakes, oil spills or acts of God unless you pay me.
I tend to get settled in my ways so shake well before using me in any service. Being a church member is easy but being a Christian could be a challenge. If you see me acting as a Christian I am dysfunctional; if this condition exists for more than four hours, something is seriously wrong consult a physician at once.
Should we be ashamed and disclaim our faith? Romans 1:16 says, "For I am not ashamed of the gospel of Christ: for it is the power of God unto salvation to every one that believeth.
See you in four hours. LOL
TV ads often carry some type of disclaimer or warning. Sometimes the disclaimer is longer than the commercial.
When you think about it, many church members have disclaimers on their godly relationship. Our official commercial says, "I am a Church member. I believe in God. I am a follower of Christ."
Then the disclaimer comes:
"The faith I talk about on Sunday may not be reflected in my everyday living so any recordings or videos of what I say and do cannot be made without my written permission. Be advised that my actions are subject to change without notice. If any of my actions resemble actual Christians, living or dead, it is purely unintentional.
I can be washed in the blood but hand washed only in water warmed to my pleasing. Handle me with care and do not expose me to any situations that may bend me, fold me or otherwise get on my last nerve.
I am a Christian but this claim is void where it is prohibited or unpopular. You must accept me on an "as is basis" without any warranties expressed or implied.
Be on guard when you hear me speak because some of you may find my language objectionable with explicit lyrics, so parental guidance is advised.
I am able to show love in limited quantities on a one time per day per family basis, but I don't always come with a pleasant attitude, some assembly is required.
I'm a church member but I don't do much, you see, action figures are sold separately. I don't pray much so I don't have much power and batteries are not included.
If your dealings with me result in rash behavior, irritating conversation or swelling develops discontinue your dealings with me for a while. I must not be placed in stressful or flammable situations because I blow easily; I must not be punctured, cracked on or laughed at or I could be hazardous to your health.
I'm saved but don't deal with me if you see that my safety seal has been broken or tampered with by the devil. Sometimes I might make you sick to your stomach, if so, do not induce vomiting and if my behavior persists remember me in your prayers.
If I promise you anything allow four to six weeks for delivery but don't expect me to help in case of flood, hurricanes, lighting, volcanic eruption, tsunami, earthquakes, oil spills or acts of God unless you pay me.
I tend to get settled in my ways so shake well before using me in any service. Being a church member is easy but being a Christian could be a challenge. If you see me acting as a Christian I am dysfunctional; if this condition exists for more than four hours, something is seriously wrong consult a physician at once.
Should we be ashamed and disclaim our faith? Romans 1:16 says, "For I am not ashamed of the gospel of Christ: for it is the power of God unto salvation to every one that believeth.
See you in four hours. LOL
Saturday, June 12, 2010
When trusting God is pushed to the side...
They pushed God to the side, then put him back!
There are two kinds of Presidential one dollar coins floating around, one has an almost invisible "In God we trust" an
d the other has the phrase inscribed on the face. Confusing?
In 2007 the U.S. Mint started distributing coins featuring likenesses of all of the Presidents. However, the new design rubbed a lot of people because it took the words "In God we trust" from the front of the coin and put it on the edge instead. Since no one ever reads the edge of a coin many thought it had been removed altogether. Thanks to the Internet a silent national protest began and in 2009 "In God we trust" made it back to the front of the coins.
The original idea of placing the "trust" statement out of edge of the coin and nearly out of sight is a sign of the times; we are trusting God less. It seems as though God is being pushed out of all public life and private lives as well.
There are two kinds of Presidential one dollar coins floating around, one has an almost invisible "In God we trust" an

In 2007 the U.S. Mint started distributing coins featuring likenesses of all of the Presidents. However, the new design rubbed a lot of people because it took the words "In God we trust" from the front of the coin and put it on the edge instead. Since no one ever reads the edge of a coin many thought it had been removed altogether. Thanks to the Internet a silent national protest began and in 2009 "In God we trust" made it back to the front of the coins.
The original idea of placing the "trust" statement out of edge of the coin and nearly out of sight is a sign of the times; we are trusting God less. It seems as though God is being pushed out of all public life and private lives as well.
However, the protest that resulted in it being replaced is also a sign. It's a sign of of what happens when people of God stand up.
Trusting God should not be a debatable concern for believers; it is understood. We must trust Him for our very being. We cannot move Him to the edge of our life experience; He demands and deserves first place.
We should trust Him for our daily
needs, protection and favor. We dare not risk moving Him to the edge of our lives or even worse,out of our lives altogether.
Proverbs 3:5 says, "Trust in the LORD with all thine heart; and lean not unto thine own understanding."
If you happen to run upon one of those dollar coins with "God" on the edge, keep it as an example of what can happen if the faithful ever lose sight of God.
Trusting God should not be a debatable concern for believers; it is understood. We must trust Him for our very being. We cannot move Him to the edge of our life experience; He demands and deserves first place.
We should trust Him for our daily

Proverbs 3:5 says, "Trust in the LORD with all thine heart; and lean not unto thine own understanding."
If you happen to run upon one of those dollar coins with "God" on the edge, keep it as an example of what can happen if the faithful ever lose sight of God.
trusting God
Wednesday, March 17, 2010
"I'll never kiss a frog!"
"I'll never kiss a frog!"
Those were the words of the heroine in the new Disney movie, "The Princess and the Frog." It tells the story of a black girl in New Orleans who had big dreams of finding prince charming and business success, but they would required her to kiss a frog to find her prince. She began the movie adamantly saying she would never kiss a frog.
It was a children's movie. Since we have grandchildren, my wife and I previewed it last night, in preparation for for the numerous times we will probably have to watch it as they watch it over and over again. Among the ideas the movie subtly passed along is to never say what you won't do because often you must do the unthinkable to succeed.
Life is that way too. We often have to "kiss the frog" to climb the ladder that reaches to our dreams. Many have said they would never work for a certain company, never go back school and never perform certain tasks, only to change later, especially when it became obvious that "kissing the frog" was the only way.
There are some who are trying to get to heaven without Christ. There are no ways Him. Jesus said in John 14:6, "no man cometh to the father but by me." Many have pledged that they will never be a Christian, never go to church or believe in God.
Like the movie however, they'll find out that when it comes to divinely anointed dreams, you must "kiss the frog."
The princess found out that when she kissed the frog the first day of her abundant life began as a beautiful princess.
Those who accept Christ have it even better. He promises eternal life and abundant fruitful living by faith.
Thank God for faith, that means we claim heaven and the "happily ever after" but we won't have to kiss any real frogs!
Those were the words of the heroine in the new Disney movie, "The Princess and the Frog." It tells the story of a black girl in New Orleans who had big dreams of finding prince charming and business success, but they would required her to kiss a frog to find her prince. She began the movie adamantly saying she would never kiss a frog.
It was a children's movie. Since we have grandchildren, my wife and I previewed it last night, in preparation for for the numerous times we will probably have to watch it as they watch it over and over again. Among the ideas the movie subtly passed along is to never say what you won't do because often you must do the unthinkable to succeed.
Life is that way too. We often have to "kiss the frog" to climb the ladder that reaches to our dreams. Many have said they would never work for a certain company, never go back school and never perform certain tasks, only to change later, especially when it became obvious that "kissing the frog" was the only way.
There are some who are trying to get to heaven without Christ. There are no ways Him. Jesus said in John 14:6, "no man cometh to the father but by me." Many have pledged that they will never be a Christian, never go to church or believe in God.
Like the movie however, they'll find out that when it comes to divinely anointed dreams, you must "kiss the frog."
The princess found out that when she kissed the frog the first day of her abundant life began as a beautiful princess.
Those who accept Christ have it even better. He promises eternal life and abundant fruitful living by faith.
Thank God for faith, that means we claim heaven and the "happily ever after" but we won't have to kiss any real frogs!
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