Forty million families on food stamps, that's a big number
This week the government announced that there are now 40 million Americans receiving food assistance commonly known as food stamps. (There are 309 million Americans in the USA) The number represents a 21 percent increase over this time last year and it is increasing monthly because of unemployment.
The food assistance program assures that families in our nation do not face starvation because of a lack of food. However, there is a conundrum. Food stamps buy food but not washing powder, deodorant or soap. With unemployment nearing 10 percent many are still hungry because they are selling portions of the food stamps to get money to keep the lights on. You can't keep the milk cold without a refrigerator, you can't boil the water or cook store bought foodstuffs in the microwave without electricity. So some sell their food stamps for .50 cents on the dollar to get enough to keep the utilities on.
It's not legal, but it's a reality. It's happening.
It seems like an endless spiral because the stamps are sold to get utilities or pay rent, but without a sufficient supply of stamps, many face the prospect of hunger all over again.
Without faith that God will make a way, it's possible for those caught in this endless loop to mentally lose it!
Those who are temporarily in trouble should not be totally discouraged; God is still on the throne. He will shake the borders of the universe if necessary to care for the industrious righteous. He has promised it and it will be done.
There is a passage in Psalms 37:25 that says, "I have been young, and now am old; yet have I not seen the righteous forsaken, nor his seed begging bread."
Those temporarily forced to use food stamps should not consider themselves beggars but those making use of an available resource. Lift up your heads, do what you have to do to use every available resource and legal means to keep food on the table.
Don't give up, keep the the faith.
God will make a way; the righteous will not be forsaken.