Those who have had many sisters or brothers know what it means to wear hand-me-downs.
In a large family, hand-me-downs are a way of life. The oldest sibling gets the new stuff, but the rest is handed down from one to the other. The one who is the youngest gets all of the hand-me-downs.
A second brother who felt bad about himself always complained about receiving hand-me-downs. One day, he was all smiles and jumped up and down on the bed with joy.
He had received his older brother’s T-Shirts. Instead of sadness, each shirt made him happy because he found out that every shirt had messages, “You are the greatest”,”You are second to none” and “Ask me about the best brother in the world.”
His brother bought shirts with love messages to his younger brother, who he knew would get his shirts. It was a message of love that was passed down and received.
The love of God was passed down to us through 42 generations until Jesus was born in Bethlehem. The message wasn’t on a t-shirt but it was clear that God loves us.
John 3:16 “For God so loved the world that he gave his only begotten son so that whosoever believeth on him should not perish, but have everlasting life.
That second brother’s mother was worried when he opened the drawer and found the last set of hand-me-downs from his brother. It was several pairs of jeans with holes in them.
The brother jumped up and down with joy.
Jeans with holes in all the right places! He had nothing but praise for his older brother!
What better gift could he receive with hand-me-down bleached white jeans with holes in them!
That’s really cool!