In the south, it is common practice in the rural areas for women to wear anklets made with silver dimes.
Many give such anklets to infants and young children who tend to keep the dimes all of their lives, attaching them to larger anklets as they get older.
Wearing silver dimes on the anklets is part of a Southern Hoodoo suspicion that people who wear dimes around their ankles are protected from evil spirits. Somehow they believe demons, vampires, and devils are repelled by silver, so the old-timers gave silver dime anklets to the children.
People still wear dime anklets, but Christians have found a better way to keep the devil away; they turn to God for protection. In fact, the Bible tells us that if we walk with the Lord the devil will keep his distance.
James 4:7 says, “Submit yourselves therefore to God. Resist the devil, and he will flee from you.”
Now you have it. If you walk with the Lord, the devil will stay away from you, even if you don’t wear a dime anklet.
The devil is really not afraid of silver dimes.
He is afraid of the spirit of God.