Friday, April 23, 2021

Let it go and be at peace

 Two men walked through the woods until they came to a wide river. Each one carried a backpack that contained all of their worldly goods. At the riverside, their feet began to sink in the muddy waters and the weight of their backpacks pushed them further into the mud.

It appeared that they would never cross. As they slid deeper into the mud and drowning became inevitable.

Finally, one man said, let's take off the backpacks and swim for the opposite shore. The other man was reluctant to let go of his backpack because it contained all of the stuff he thought he needed to survive.

Eventually, both men dropped their packs and swam safely to the other side. However, once on the other side the second man complained that he had lost his backpack and all of his stuff; he was very unhappy. The first man said, "Your feet are safely only dry ground and all you can worry about is the stuff that nearly killed you. Be at peace, the stuff you are worrying about would have killed you if you had not let it go."

Are you trying to move to another level but "stuff" is holding you back. Sometimes it might be better to leave it behind, be at peace and be glad you can stand on dry ground.

To be at peace think about 2 Thessalonians 3:16,  "Now may the Lord of peace himself give you peace at all times and in every way. The Lord be with all of you."

If it's dragging you down and has you stuck in the mud, let it go and be at peace.

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