In my college years, I worked as a waiter at a seafood restaurant. The base pay was $56 a week ($1.40/hour), but a good waiter made much more than that in tips.
I turned waiting tables into a science. I learned the tastes of repeat customers, and read up on their hobbies. I asked about their golf game, fishing trips, grandchildren and read magazine clips about things that tickled the fancy of my customers
I always had a good joke, a quote, a compliment on their attire, or something interesting to say.
My goal was to get the “tip.” To get the tip, great waiters do more than just ask, “Do want more water?” They aim to create an enjoyable experience that makes customers feel good about going out for a meal.
I was good at it and sometimes I earned $350 a week. The tips made the difference.
Through Christ, we are saved from our sins, but God grants favor to those who go above and beyond to minister to others.
Favor is God’s way of leaving us a tip. Being saved is the base pay, but his favor which he gives through grace and mercy is the “tip."
Look what Psalm 84:11 says, “For the Lord God is a sun and shield; the Lord bestows favor and honor. No good thing does he withhold from those who walk uprightly.”
Daily we work to build God’s kingdom. We walk with the king in the beauty of holiness.
We get a heavenly tip when we go out of our way to help others experience the love and mercy of God as well.
The good news is, God is not cheap.
He’s a big tipper!