In the past folks made promises, but conditioned them on whether not the promises were within the will of God.
We heard the old times say things such as “You can count on me, if the wills it.”
Or some would say, “If the Lord say the same and the creek don’t rise.”
There was a lot of wisdom in those old sayings because they acknowledged that we don’t control tomorrow, but God does.
For country folks, the possibility of flash floods, without notice, was always on their mind. No promise could be kept if the waters of the creek overflowed and washed out the roads and caused floods.
We make plans for tomorrow and next year, but all of our plans are contingent upon the will of God who controls the entire world. So the Bible teaches us not to make concrete promises but to always condition them on whether God’s plans and our plans are going in the same direction.
James 4:14-15 says, “Whereas ye know not what shall be on the morrow. For what is your life? It is even a vapour, that appeareth for a little time, and then vanisheth away. For that ye ought to say, If the Lord will, we shall live, and do this, or that."
Every day of our lives is in the hand of God.
Any plans we make are tentative, they depend on what God has on schedule for tomorrow.
We don’t know what he plans for us, but whatever it is, he’s got us covered.
Whatever you plan for tomorrow, put it in God’s hand and resolve to do it, “If the Lord says the same, and the creek don’t rise.”