Sunday, July 25, 2021

You are already rich, you just don't know it!

 Many people spend their lives trying to get rich, those who know the Lord are already rich.

People who have experienced poverty often dream of a time when they don’t have to worry about paying the rent, lights, water, or gas. We yearn to seek the time when car notes, house notes, and loans are a thing of the past.

That’s an admirable goal because beyond that, with the exception of health issues and unplanned circumstances, living is easier.

Some, however, don’t dream of living comfortably; they dream of being rich. Not just fifty rich. They don’t want a golden bathtub and toilet, the most expensive car in the world, and jewelry the size of marbles. They don’t want one house to live in they also want three or four others to play in. Planes, Yachts, servants, and money to throw away are the substance of their dreams.

The Bible warns believers about seeking riches. If that becomes our life’s goal it can consume our thinking, mess up our sleep, ruin our marriages and attract more haters than we care to mention. More than that, it tends to lead us away from God who wants to be first in our lives.

1 Timothy 6:9 Those who want to get rich fall into temptation and a trap and into many foolish and harmful desires that plunge people into ruin and destruction.

If you have a place to lay your head, reasonable health, and strength, a family that loves you and access to the splendor of heaven...

You are already rich; you just don't know it!

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