Thursday, August 26, 2021

Blessed in our mess

     Often we are frustrated with the mess we have made of our lives. That's when we feel like Jacob whose life was really a mess.

Because of the stolen blessing, he and his brother were at odds. In fact, his brother threatened to kill him the next time he saw him.

    He worked seven years to get the woman he loved and then discovered that he had to marry her sister too and work seven more years. After 21 years, he had 12 sons by two wives. He was blessed but he was in a mess.

    He returned home but had to face his angry brother.

    In that mess, he wrestled with God until he received a final blessing that changed his name from Jacob to Israel.

    Even in his difficulties, frustration, and self-created mess, he was blessed

That should give us all a little encouragement. Let's praise God for helping in this mess we created for ourselves. It's not his fault that we mess up. We're glad that he won't leave us.

Psalm 37:27 Let those who delight in my righteousness shout for joy and be glad and say evermore, “Great is the Lord, who delights in the welfare of his servant!”

As you look back over the day, remember that even though we are frustrated by our circumstances, God is still blessing us every day.

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