Tuesday, August 03, 2021

They knew us before we were born, God did, too!

 Growing up, it was kinda weird when an older person told us, “I knew you before you knew yourself.” They were not the only ones who could say that, God could say that, too.

We depend on our parents, grandparents, aunts, and uncles to tell us about our life before we took our first breath. We don’t remember the nine months we spent in the womb. It’s a blank.

Researchers say we don’t remember much about ourselves before we were three years old. If we do they are the big things or scary things. Even then, our memory about it is foggy.

Older family members started watching us as take shape. They saw our tendencies and traits. They saw it before we did.

As we grew older the old folks in our families started comparing our physical traits, talents, and quirks to others in the family. Pretty soon, it became obvious that we had the stuff to be teachers, architects, football players, leaders or followers. 

They saw it before we did and started nudging us to develop our potential.  We that happens the dance lessons, karate classes, piano lessons, music lessons and a variety of other lessons begin.

God knows us, too. Even more than our parents or our grandparents, he knew us before we knew ourselves. In the womb, he gave us gifts, talents, and skills. Many of us have them, but it seems that everyone recognizes it but us.

Jeremiah 1:5 says, “Before I formed you in the womb I knew you before you were born I set you apart..”

Before we were born God equipped us for our lifework. He gave us talents, gifts, and certain traits to accomplish that.

The old folks in your family knew it when we were crawling around on your knees. 

If we don’t know it by now, we can find out when you talk to God on our knees.

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