There are times when the best of us mourn our losses.
Only those who can empathize can truly mourn. Sympathizers express concern for your loss, but those who mourn can put themselves in your shoes and in some small way feel what you feel. They share your loss.
When we think of people we know who have fallen victim to the Coronavirus during the Pandemic, we silently mourn.
We also mourn over the losses of life through tragedy, sickness, and other causes. Those who mourn with us, feel our pain.
Those of us who believe in God know that we never mourn alone. We know Jesus cares and his heart is touched because John 11:35 says “Jesus wept.” He was saddened by the death of Lazarus and emphasized with Mary and Martha.
But our faith brings us hope, too. That’s why you are blessed when you mourn with a person who is mourning. You are because you remind them that God is with them that despite their loss they are not alone.
It’s a blessing to have someone who mourns with you.
Matthew 5:4 Blessed are those who mourn, for they will be comforted.
If you have moments when you feel a little low because of a loss, remember you not alone.
Christ mourns with you, but goes one step further, he offers us the promise of tomorrow.
That’s a great word with which to end each day!
Christ promises us eternal life without morning in the land of tomorrow.