I guess my sons had it tough being PKs (Preacher’s kids). I hope I wasn't too tough.
My wife and I tried to allow them to grow into young men on their own with Christian core values, but let them have some fun within limits.
They went to Sunday school and Church. They had to attend Bible School.
They only listened to religious music on Sundays. They had church clothes.
They participated in church-based activities such as retreats, sleepovers, picnics, and encampments. All three of them became Eagle Scouts.
They had days when we allowed them to listen to the radio, not much TV, they participated in school activities, but they were rarely unchaperoned.
When they left home for school most morning there was a family prayer at the front door. They had chores.
We read the Christmas story before they opened gifts on Christmas Day. We spent time raising money for the poor and providing food for the needy.
We tried to teach them by example 24 hours a day.
The Bible in Proverbs 22:6 says, "Train up a child in the way he should go, even when he is old he will not depart from it."
All three are grown men now. They have their own businesses and households, no children out of wedlock, and all work in the church somewhere. Unless they are fooling me, they look to be pretty happy.
I hope it wasn't too bad for them being PKs, but when you think about it, most Christian households probably have similar routines even their parents are not in ministry.
If you don’t have something along those lines in place for your children, maybe you should give it some thought.
It's never too late to start.