Friday, May 21, 2021

God has saved us from our frenemies

 If you are like most people who have been through a few tough scraps. Some of those fights involved people who were dead set opposing you one way or the other.

There were some who wanted your job.

Some wanted to stop you from succeeding in a project.

Some dug ditches to make you fall in them and give up.

There are some cruel people out there who are prepared to do battle against you, your spouse, and your children. 

Some just don’t like the way you look. No matter what you do, they will never consider you a friend.

Thank Goodness the Lord has been on our side. He has helped us sidestep the tricks of our enemies and not only survive but thrive!

This is the thought in 2 Samuel 22:4 “I called to the LORD, who is worthy of praise, and have been saved from my enemies.”

Every day we give thanks to God for standing as our fortress and strength. It is he alone that has brought us thus far.


That’s why he worthy of praise.

He saved our souls and stands with us every day as we work to fulfill his will for our lives.

Thursday, May 20, 2021

Fakes have been wearing masks for some time now

    Just about everywhere you go people are wearing masks. Whether it's Walmart or the hospital you can't really go far without bumping into someone wearing a mask, mostly because of safety measures related to the Coronavirus Pandemic.

   However, many people, including church folks,  were wearing masks long before we learned about the Pandemic.

   Of course, I’m thinking about deceptions and disguises, not physical masks.

   Our masks are the faces that we show to the public to hide something we want to keep secret.

   The battered wife hides behind a mask of denial to hide her abusive husband.

   Cheaters wear masks to fool their spouses they’ve been faithful. Thieves, murderers, and adulterers wear masks to hide their deceptions.

   It'd not just Health concerns that motivate us to wear our masks, our desire to keep something secret plays a part, too.

  We should all read Luke 12:2 Which says, "Nothing is covered up that will not be revealed, or hidden that will not be known.”  - Mask or no mask, God sees everything.

  God sees our hearts and he knows the thoughts of our minds. We can’t hide from him.

  He knows who we are even if we try to hide what we are behind a mask.

  That’s a warning and promise. We can’t hide from him, but no matter how we try to hide it from others behind our masks, he knows what we need and provides it every day.

Tuesday, May 18, 2021

My three boys were PKs, "Preacher's Kids" -They turned out pretty good

I guess my sons had it tough being PKs (Preacher’s kids). I hope I wasn't too tough.

My wife and I tried to allow them to grow into young men on their own with Christian core values, but let them have some fun within limits.

They went to Sunday school and Church. They had to attend Bible School.

They only listened to religious music on Sundays. They had church clothes.

They participated in church-based activities such as retreats, sleepovers, picnics, and encampments. All three of them became Eagle Scouts.

They had days when we allowed them to listen to the radio, not much TV, they participated in school activities, but they were rarely unchaperoned.

When they left home for school most morning there was a family prayer at the front door. They had chores.

We read the Christmas story before they opened gifts on Christmas Day.  We spent time raising money for the poor and providing food for the needy.

We tried to teach them by example 24 hours a day.

The Bible in Proverbs 22:6 says, "Train up a child in the way he should go, even when he is old he will not depart from it."

All three are grown men now. They have their own businesses and households, no children out of wedlock, and all work in the church somewhere. Unless they are fooling me, they look to be pretty happy.

I hope it wasn't too bad for them being PKs, but when you think about it, most Christian households probably have similar routines even their parents are not in ministry.

If you don’t have something along those lines in place for your children, maybe you should give it some thought.

It's never too late to start.

Monday, May 17, 2021

Guide our steps Lord, because Life gets slippery when its wet

  We move through life one step at a time.

  However, when we walk through uncertain terrain we are careful where we step because we don’t know what lies beneath. 

  There could be a puddle of water, beneath a patch of leaves.

  The steps of a ladder may look secure, but we are not sure because they may be weak or unable to carry our weight.

  A rock or a pebble underfoot can cause us to slide down a hill.

  And the best, most secure floors are slippery when they are wet.

  Every day we move through life, we step into the unknown depending on God to guide us around rough spots and help us to make it through a day filled with land mines without injury. 

  We can’t do it without him.

  Psalm 37:23 reminds us of this truth. It says,  "The steps of a good man are ordered by the Lord, And He delights in his way.

  We Thank God for Guiding our steps daily. We trust him completely and he will show us the way.

God's grace will not cease

 Regardless of our life situation, the pendulum of good times and bad times will continue. 

No matter how much trouble we face, "trouble don't last always." Our period of growth is coming, but it will most certainly be followed by a challenging period at some point. 

The seasons of our lives come and go, so each of us should give God praise in either season.

We praise him because while the seasons of life will come and go, the blessings of God will come regardless of the season cease. 

That's why Ezekiel 34:26 says "I will cause the shower to come down in his season." 

Regardless to the season, there will still be a shower of blessings sufficient to sustain us.

Just because it gets hot in the summer does not mean that the blessings stop in the summer. Just because it gets cold in the winter or there is snow on the ground, does not mean that our blessings stop coming.

It may be snow on the ground, but that doesn't stop the shower of blessings we have been promised by God. They will not cease.

When we have God's grace, we never enter any season without God's grace; it will not cease!

Saturday, May 15, 2021

When you mourn, you're not alone

There are times when the best of us mourn our losses. 

Only those who can empathize can truly mourn. Sympathizers express concern for your loss, but those who mourn can put themselves in your shoes and in some small way feel what you feel. They share your loss.

When we think of people we know who have fallen victim to the Coronavirus during the Pandemic, we silently mourn.

We also mourn over the losses of life through tragedy, sickness, and other causes. Those who mourn with us, feel our pain.

Those of us who believe in God know that we never mourn alone. We know Jesus cares and his heart is touched because John 11:35 says “Jesus wept.” He was saddened by the death of Lazarus and emphasized with Mary and Martha.

But our faith brings us hope, too. That’s why you are blessed when you mourn with a person who is mourning. You are because you remind them that God is with them that despite their loss they are not alone.

It’s a blessing to have someone who mourns with you.

Matthew 5:4 Blessed are those who mourn, for they will be comforted.

If you have moments when you feel a little low because of a loss, remember you not alone. 

Christ mourns with you, but goes one step further, he offers us the promise of tomorrow.


That’s a great word with which to end each day! 

Christ promises us eternal life without morning in the land of tomorrow.

Friday, May 14, 2021

When it looks like the world is against you..

  There are times when it appears that everything and everyone is against you.

Whether it's on the job, at school, or at home we all face situations that seem to be against us.

We make plans with a checklist to be sure that we don’t miss anything, and then something happens that's not on the list.

A storm.

A sickness.

A cancellation.

A Loss.

On top of all of that your critics, competitors, and haters are second-guessing everything you do from the smallest to the largest.

Everywhere you turn, it seems something or someone is against you.

We have one hope that encourages us; if our plans are according to God’s will and he has blessed them, all of the things that are against won’t amount to a hill of beans, because we have the big man on your side.

Romans 8:31 says, “What, then, shall we say in response to these things? If God is for us, who can be against us?”

Approach each day confident that as long as you are doing what is right and God has blessed what you are doing, that’s all that matters. God will make it happen.

Be at peace.

Tuesday, May 11, 2021

God always comes through

 Sometimes we worry about the things we don’t have, but even as we worry, things seem to work out for us to get what we need.

It doesn’t matter what it is, God figures out a way to bless us and he does it big!

We go to the doctor expecting to hear the worse, then we are surprised to learn that what we worried about wasn’t that bad; in some cases wasn’t bad at all.

In the same way, we worry about a whole lot of things, only to learn that we may have come up short on one end, but had so much in the other end that it made up for what we lost.

Sometimes, when times are tough, we just plain forget that our God is great all of the time. If we are trying to do good work, God will come on time.

It doesn’t mean things will always turn out the way we want them, but it does mean that when we look at the mix of things, in the long run, God will bless the faithful with everything we need.

That's what 2 Corinthians 9:8 teaches: And God is able to bless you abundantly, so that in all things at all times, having all that you need, you will abound in every good work.

If you are doing good work for your community, family or friend, God’s going to bless you and the work; even if it’s just to give you a little more energy to keep on keeping on.

Remember our verse says God will bless you abundantly in all things, at all times.

That just about covers everything.

Be at peace.

Sunday, May 09, 2021

Mama told us, but we didn't believe it

   Parents try to warn their children about dangers ahead, but youth is often deaf to sound advice. At the time, it seems that the words of wisdom that come from our parents are old and foggy from a bygone generation.

Mothers, for example, often try to warn children the world is unforgiving and owes them nothing.

  They also try to tell us that days will come when they will be disappointed and will experience failure.

  Mothers also try to tell their children that the days will come when the things we enjoy will bring us frustration and trouble.

  They try to warn us about betrayal, lost love, and disillusionment.

  They also tell us that to pray for strength for the days ahead. They remind us never to give up and stay close to the Lord.

  Even our present struggle was predicted;  mama told us there would be days like this. And because she told us, we now know what to do.

  What she said is what Jesus said in John 16:33 “I have told you these things, so that in me you may have peace. In this world you will have trouble. But take heart! I have overcome the world.”

We can recall all of the great things mama told us for days like this. She warned us about the trouble, but she kept saying that trouble don’t last always.

Keep your hand in God’s hand and you will overcome.

Jesus said, “I have overcome the world” and so will you.

Saturday, May 08, 2021

Mothers created memories that live forever

 Mothers know the value of precious moments

Think about all of the precious moments that are important to you now; those moments were created by your mother or the person who you know as mother.

Look at all the time that mothers spent planning birthday parties for you. The decorations, food, invitations, the clean up afterward cost her time and money. She could have taken a shortcut. She could have just said “Happy birthday” but she went through the trouble of creating a memory that will be with you all of your life

She did the same thing for Christmas. She could have given you a gift in a paper bag, but she wrapped it, decorated a tree, with lights, and baked and cooked.  She created a memory for you.

She did the same at Easter, and for school activities.

When we think of mother, we think of a thousand moments that created, from kissing a hurt finger to heal it, to helping you ride your first bicycle or to drive a car.

There were crazy moments like the times she acted a fool screaming for you at the football game, or cried at your wedding.

In fact, she spends most of her life creating moments and pleasant memories for you. 

And even when mother is no longer with us on this earth, it’s like she’s still here because we have thousands of moments to cherish, impressions of love, pressed in our hearts forever.

The precious memories of these moments never leave us.

Exodus 20:12 we are reminded to “Honour thy father and thy mother: that thy days may be long upon the land which the Lord thy God giveth thee.”

We Thank God for the memories she created.. they will live forever.

Thursday, May 06, 2021

A watermelon won't grow in your belly!

It’s amazing some of the things we believed when we were children.

Were you ever told that if you eat watermelon seeds that a watermelon will grow in your stomach?

  I really believed my teachers were rich because they always wore church clothes. I thought they never went home and slept at school because when I came to school they were there and when I left they were there. I thought teachers never went to the bathroom, ever!

I  believed that when it thundered and the sun was shining that the devil was beating his wife. If it thundered again and the lightning flash that his wife was hitting him back.

  I believed the people on tv were midgets who squeezed inside the screen. I always searched for the door, but never found it.

  I believed that if I ate plenty of spinach, I’d have muscles like Popeye! I’ve been eating spinach for a half-century and my popeye muscles haven't ever popped up!

  There is one thing I believed when I was a child that I still believe today; that if I pray, God will hear my prayer. I believe that!

  I also believe that if I accept him, trust him, and obey him he will take care of me in this life and the next. I still believe that.

  If we could believe and trust God with the same innocence that we believed those silly things we believed as children, we could just about do anything.

  Mark 9:23 says "..If you can believe, all things are possible to him who believes...."

  Lord, help my unbelief!


Tuesday, May 04, 2021

Facing the unknown is scary

It’s difficult to face the unknown. It’s just scary.

This month many youth are anticipating graduation from high school. But the day after graduation is scary because after graduation comes the unknown, next phase of life.

Those who face life without the support and company of a loved one face similar fears. They are about to face the unknown alone. That's scary.

  When we are facing a surgery in which we don’t know the expected outcome, that’s scary too. We worry about it, although we know we shouldn’t because it's scary.

  We feel the same way when our money runs low and we can’t find a job or housing It’s scary.

  It’s also scary when you realize that despite the fact that you have many friends and associates when it comes to facing that one thing that really scares you, you are almost alone.

  Almost alone. Almost.

  If you are a child of God you are never completely alone, God is always with you. It might get down to where it’s just you and him, but he won’t leave you to deal with your situation alone. That’s encouraging.

   Deuteronomy 31:6 says, “Be strong and courageous. Do not be afraid or terrified because of them, for the LORD your God goes with you; he will never leave you nor forsake you.”

 So if the next step in your life looks scary and has you feeling all alone, remember God is only a prayer away.

 Be encouraged. God will not forsake you.

  He will never leave you to face your unknown situation all by yourself.

Monday, May 03, 2021

We pray before we do everything, why?

  We go to the doctor when we are ill, but we pray before we go. The reason we pray before we go is because we ask God to use the doctor as his healing instrument. 

 We hire a lawyer to represent us in court, but we pray before we go to court. The reason we pray first is because we want God to use our lawyer as an instrument of our defense.

   We pray before we do everything because we ask God to interact with our situation in a way that moves us closer to his will.

   We recognize that all healing, blessings, and opportunities happen because of the grace of God and are often directed by God for our benefit. We also know that if we are saved from a bad outcome God, on occasion, God may say no to our prayer request.

    We accept that because we know if he says no, that is his will for us. That’s what happened to Jesus in the garden, he prayed not to go to Calvary, but he accepted the will of God. It ultimately benefited all of those who followed Christ and saved or souls.

    We pray because God knows best.

    That's the idea behind Jeremiah 17: 14 Heal me, LORD, and I will be healed; save me and I will be saved, for you are the one I praise. 

    As you close out your day, pray a prayer of thanks, and humility. Let it conclude with thy will be done on earth, as it is in heaven.


Sunday, May 02, 2021

The Boogey Man won't get you!

When I was a kid I remember being told that if was bad, that the Boogey Man would get me. Since I did something bad every day, I hated to see the night come because I was afraid that the Boogey Man would get me.

Top that off with the fact that we lived next to a graveyard, the probability of being snatched into a grave by the Boogey Man was real to a five-year-old.

Now, I’m surprised that there are grown people who still believe in the Boogey Man.  The Boogey Man for grown folks is supposed to be a mysterious creature from a dark world who jumps in our world and causes problems.

The Boogey Man gets his power from our fear. The bigger our fear, the more powerful the Boogey Man.

Obviously, we do not fear the unknown, but trust God the Boogey Man is powerless. Our fear gives him power. Our faith kills him dead.

When the Boogey Man comes remember Psalm 27:1 “The LORD is my light and my salvation— whom shall I fear? The LORD is the stronghold of my life— of whom shall I be afraid?”

As you face each day, you have no need to fear. God is your protector. 

The Boogey Man has no power over you.

Saturday, May 01, 2021

It's a good day to praise God

 Many years ago May 1st was celebrated as “May Day.” It was generally celebrated with a festive spirit. It was a break from the routine, an excuse to celebrate.

May Day celebrated life

Schools, especially those in the South, celebrated May Day in a variety of ways t that included the suspension of classes and usual routines.

Many hosted assemblies and watched the crowning of the “May Queen.” The young lady selected was feted with gifts and praise and treated like royalty for a day.

May Day was a lot of fun, there were sweets served by the school cafeteria as the school and the rest of the world celebrated the advent of Spring.

Around the country, the day became a day of marches and protests about Worker’ rights, too.

The marches and protests started sounding too much like communism and no one wanted to do anything the communist did, so politics overshadowed the festivities and May Day soon disappeared in the USA.

Whether it's May Day or Any Day, we celebrate the joy of the Lord. It's a great day because God made it and he blesses us in it in ways we cannot see.

Psalm 145:2  reminds us that,  “Every day I will bless You, And I will praise Your name forever and ever.

Every day every of the week, we celebrate God's gift of salvation through Christ and the gifts he has made available to us.

It's a great day because God is good and his mercy endureth for ever.

Friday, April 30, 2021

Never lose hope, it will come

   I remember reading the poems of Langston Hughes as a student. One of them stuck with me, especially after it became the subject of the play “A raisin in the Sun” by Lorraine Hansberry.

  The poem was called “A dream deferred” It asked the question, “What happens to a dream differed, does it dry up like a raisin in the sun?

   The short poem defined the frustrations of the youth of my generation who burned down Watts, rioted after the assassination of Dr. King, shouted Black Power. 

We were angry because the dream of justice and equality seemed like a hopeless nightmare.

   Hughes's poem said when hope is lost it may fester like a sore and run, stink like rotten meat or it might explode.

   Today, another generation is angry because of hope deferred, it’s marching and screaming, too.

   As a young man, I found hope in the promises of God. I learned to constantly push to make dreams happen, but despite the frustrations, never lose hope.

  I kept the promise of fulfillment in front of me. I found consolation in Proverbs 13:12 which says, “Hope deferred makes the heart sick, but a longing fulfilled is a tree of life.”

   Whatever your dream, don’t lose hope. Keep working to make it happen. 

   If God has blessed it, it will happen.

Thursday, April 29, 2021

Auto Correct me, Lord

    I write my thoughts on my cell phone or I pad, but sometimes I notice that my final product is not what I wrote. It appears that my phone has a feature called “auto correct” that suggests the correct spelling of a word and allows me to use the suggestion.

AutoCorrect Me, Lord
But sometimes, I notice that even after I have typed correctly what I wanted,  the cellphone changes my word and puts in another. Once I sent a message to a man named Jesse. The message was “Jesse, this is my email address” but Jesse was replaced with Jesus and the message became “Jesus, this is my email address”

   Since the phone, computers, and iPads remember our most used phrases, it assumed that I really want to say, “Jesus” instead of Jesse. Not that time.
 As Believers we do have an autocorrect feature, however, He is called the Holy Spirit. He works on our conscience when we know we’ve done wrong and prompts us to correct ourselves.
 The prophet asked God to correct him. He said it was a good thing. He said in Jeremiah 10:24, “Correct me, O Lord, but with Justice, not with your anger, or you will bring me to nothing.
  We Thank God for the Holy Spirit it corrects us automatically every day and the blood of Christ erases our mistake automatically giving us a clean slate.
 Thank God for auto-correct.

Tuesday, April 27, 2021

The 190 Foot Cross makes travelers look twice

    A few years ago our youth group, on a summer trip, traveled down 1-40 near Groom, Texas and saw an awe-inspiring sight 20 miles outside of the small town.  A giant cross loomed in the air. 
   We stopped when we got there in wonder at this huge 190-foot tall cross that invited truckers and travelers like us to stop and worship while on the road.

That Sunday, we did just that. We stopped and worshipped at the foot of that humongous cross.
   In Southwestern Ohio, there is 62 statue of Jesus with his arms lifted up in a pose similar to a referee’s touchdown signal in football.
   The giant Jesus has hands big enough to hold a truck. It has caught the imagination of believers along I-75 because the state reports that the number of highway deaths in that area dropped to zero immediately after the Jesus statue was erected by a local church.
   Jesus and the cross are mysteries to those who don’t believe.
   I doubt that a statue of Christ stops highway wrecks, but I do know that if Christ is lifted up, he will save those who believe in him from their sins.
   It doesn’t have to be 190 feet tall and neither does it need to dangle around your neck, but the cross of Christ, when it is carried in our hearts, reminds us of God’s saving grace.
   We should lift up his name in any way we can like the folks did in Texas. We will reflect Jesus' words in John 12:32 “And I, if I be lifted up from the earth, will draw all men unto me.”
    Like the statue on I-75, Jesus stands in front of us showing us the way to victory over Satan and the problems he causes in our lives.
    It’s up to us to trust him.

Monday, April 26, 2021

Dreaming about riches

 Most of us have dreamed of being rich at one time or another because we connected riches with happiness. We saw ourselves living in big mansions, with swimming pools, cars, diamond rings, gold platted bath tubs, and servants.

My thoughts were altered after I saw a movie about the last man on earth. Everyone on earth had disappeared left him with the best of everything. He had access to fine apartments, suitcases filled with money, and fast cars..everything! He was rich, but he soon tired of all because all of his riches had little purpose. I concluded it was better to be comfortable and living with a purpose than rich and my only purpose is to get richer. Even though we know money can't make us happy, we take every chance we get to be sure. The believer can handle life any way that it is served. If we are rich, we'll serve the Lord, but if we lose it all or never get there we're still happy in the Lord. Happiness is tied to things, but joy comes from inside and is not dependent on things.. It comes from the Lord. Our attitude of joy in any situation is reflected in Philippians 4:12 "I know how to live humbly, and I know how to abound. I am accustomed to any and every situation—to being filled and being hungry, to having plenty and having need." If you measure yourself by the size of your bank account, house or car, you'll always be unhappy. Because we know the Lord, we measure ourselves by our ability to fulfill our life purpose; that gives us joy. Most of us aren't rich, but we look at our families and what they are becoming, we are content that we have successfully accomplished God's will.

Friday, April 23, 2021

Let it go and be at peace

 Two men walked through the woods until they came to a wide river. Each one carried a backpack that contained all of their worldly goods. At the riverside, their feet began to sink in the muddy waters and the weight of their backpacks pushed them further into the mud.

It appeared that they would never cross. As they slid deeper into the mud and drowning became inevitable.

Finally, one man said, let's take off the backpacks and swim for the opposite shore. The other man was reluctant to let go of his backpack because it contained all of the stuff he thought he needed to survive.

Eventually, both men dropped their packs and swam safely to the other side. However, once on the other side the second man complained that he had lost his backpack and all of his stuff; he was very unhappy. The first man said, "Your feet are safely only dry ground and all you can worry about is the stuff that nearly killed you. Be at peace, the stuff you are worrying about would have killed you if you had not let it go."

Are you trying to move to another level but "stuff" is holding you back. Sometimes it might be better to leave it behind, be at peace and be glad you can stand on dry ground.

To be at peace think about 2 Thessalonians 3:16,  "Now may the Lord of peace himself give you peace at all times and in every way. The Lord be with all of you."

If it's dragging you down and has you stuck in the mud, let it go and be at peace.