If you try to put two great cooks in the same kitchen, it won’t be long before there is a clash.
There is a better understanding when all parties share the same standard, direction, and focus. That’s why two decorators can’t be hired to decorate the same room. Neither can two painters can be hired to paint the same picture.
There can’t be two head coaches of a team, two presidents or two outstanding musicians assigned to write the same song.
Generally, those who are good at what they do have their own vision of how things should be, and consider their ideas superior.
It happens in families, too. Both the husband and the wife can’t be the head of the family, someone has to lead, protect and provide. There is trouble if there are two versions what those things mean because each thinks one is better fit to lead than the other.
There is peace when one is designated as the leader with input from the other and the results are presented as a team effort.
It’s a team effort, and there is no "I" in team.
That’s also true about our faith. Some are trying out strange beliefs that are competing with what the Bible teaches. Christians are mixing faith and Yoga. Christ and Prosperity. Jesus and Confucious. The Bible and the Koran.
It’s a formula for a messed-up understanding of life and what God wants.
Ephesians 4:5-6, says "There is one Lord, one, faith and one baptism, one God and Father of all, who is over all and through all and in all.…"
Just like there is one lord, one faith, and one baptism, there is also one devil, one trouble maker, and one destroyer of dreams.
He’s the one that gets in your business and brings trouble.
Stick with the Lord. He and the Father and the Holy Spirit are all on the same page.