The long arms of the godly family help each family member to achieve God's ultimate purpose. Through the family, members receive sustenance, encouragement, direction, and correction. Through the family, God begins the flow of his ancestral promise to each generation.
Many of those who have achieved success in life credit the support, encouragement, and discipline they received in their family for their success. For some it was the strong hand of parents, for others it was the support of siblings.
For still others, it was a favorite aunt or uncle that kept them on target. In a variety of ways, believers have been touched by their families that have been used by God to strengthen their life experiences.
The immediate way that God helps us is through the family. Those who are fortunate enough to have strong families, learn that God touches a mother and father in such a way that they are able to provide unique sustenance for their children, beyond mere food and drink.
In Genesis 18:19, God speaks about Abraham’s family, he says, I have chosen him, so that he will direct his children and his household after him to keep the way of the LORD by doing what is right and just so that the LORD will bring about for Abraham what he has promised him.”
The family is the vehicle God has chosen to use to guide us to our promised possession.