Thursday, October 06, 2005

She Won't Do Shirts

The owner of the local laundry was pleasantly amused to learn why I spend so much money for the laundry of my shirts.

The fact that I have more than 30 shirts a month cleaned, starched and pressed was a curious plus for her business. This week a casual comment in passing, required an explanation.

When I married Joslyn 31 years ago she told me that she would go anywhere with me, do anything with me and support me in almost anything I did. However, there was a warning, "I don't do shirts."

With a few emergency exceptions, she's kept both promises.

Busy pastors use many shirts. Sometimes I have time to press them. Sometimes I don't. Hence, the laundry loves to see me walk in the door.

The Word of God says, it's better not to make a vow than to make a vow and break it. My wife has kept all of her vows to me. I hope she feels I'm doing the same.

There's one vow she keeps for sure...

Except for unusual circumstances, she won't do shirts.

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