We are surrounded by alarms, alerts. There are so many of them that they can really get on your nerves.
I have a video alarm system on all of the entrances and exits to my house. There are motion detectors inside and out. When anyone passes close to my house or crosses my yard, I get an alert.
The cats trip it off. A dog. A bird. If a butterfly gets too close it sends an alert.
At my office, there are security lights around my building and there are cameras with infra-red lights recording everything inside and outside.
There are alarms on my car, alarms on my watch, and there are alarms at the church that often get routed to me when they go off.
There are smoke detector alarms, carbon monoxide alarms, and alarms to let you know when the batteries in the alarms are getting low.
Just when I think I have all of the alarms controlled, right in the middle of my favorite episode of Gunsmoke there is an emergency alert that interrupts to test the National Emergency System.
The alarms are designed that we can be aware when there is a breach of safety or when a predator is nearby. It's good to have them, even if they are a nuisance sometimes.
The Bible says that we should always be awake and on guard because the devil is on his job 24 hours a day.
We should stay prayed up because the Holy Spirit is our Devil Alarm. He helps us to know when the devil is trying to do us harm and gives us ample warning and time to get away or to avoid loss or temptation.
Luke 21:36 tells us to stay alert. It says, "But stay awake at all times, praying that you may have strength to escape all these things that are going to take place, and to stand before the Son of Man.”
It's good to know that the Lord watches over us 24 hours a day. He never slumbers or sleeps. If something goes wrong, he'll speak to our spirit and warn us and give us a chance to avoid danger.
Pray keeps your Devil Alarm charged.
To keep alert, stay prayed up.