In the course of my years, I have seen the power of God work in so many unbelievable ways that nearly nothing phases me. I am convinced that no condition is beyond the power of God.
I have seen car wreck victims hooked up on ventilators, with tubes running down their throats, wires attached to their arms and chests. I have heard the beeping sound of hospital monitors and watched the rise a fall of hundreds of beds.
I have watched scores of people go into surgeries, and wake up drowsy in recovery rooms.
I have seen cancer, gunshot wounds, infant deaths, suicides, murders, brain tumors, and just about every “itis” in the books.
What makes me so confident is that I have seen more people healed than anyone thought. In fact, I have seen more healed than otherwise.
Sometimes the shock of what we hear from doctors makes us afraid. We are even warier when we see all of the medicines prescribed for us along with therapies, rehabilitation, and what seems like scores of tests. The whole process wears you down.
What brings confidence is that every week I talk with people who were once deathly sick, but are now fully recovered.
The key is that they did not give up on God and they had a spouse or at least one friend who would not allow them to give up on themselves.
When you have seen God work as much as I have, you really believe that prayer changes things. We also believe that if we ask for a healing and he chooses to do so, it doesn’t matter how bad the situation looks, God can do it.
Of course, sometimes what we ask for is not in God’s plan. We accept that too, but we ask anyway because we also know that God has been known to change his mind
Mark this verse in your Bible for inspiration: Jeremiah 30:17: "But I will restore you to health and heal your wounds,’ declares the LORD"