In elementary school, we read a set of stories called the “Arabian Nights.” There were two that I remember: “Alibaba and the 40 thieves” and “Alladin and Magical Lamp.”
The lamp story was cool. Anyone who rubbed the magic lamp caused a geni to pop up and grant three wishes. In school, the teacher told the students to tell about our three wishes if we had the lamp. We had fun. We wished for No school, big motorcycles, rollercoasters in our back yards.
I forgot my first two wishes, but I remember my last one. I wished that I would have three more wishes. The students laughed, but the teacher didn't
As adults, all of us have things we want out of life. Most of us have three big dreams and we spend our lives chasing them. For some they are like the pot of God at the end of the rainbow; the closer we get to them the farther they are away.
If you could ask the Lord for just one thing, and be assured that you would receive it, what would it be?
How we answer that question defines priorities. It’s what motivates us and explains why we do the things we do. Hopefully, God will be pleased with our one wish.
David wrote about that one big request in Psalm 27:4, which says, "One thing I ask from the LORD, this only do I seek: that I may dwell in the house of the LORD all the days of my life, to gaze on the beauty of the LORD and to seek him in his temple."
God is not a geni in a bottle, but he does hear and answers prayer whenever we call him.
And if the one thing we ask him for is according to his will for our will be done.
Just be careful what you ask for, you just might get it.