If you are like many people, you don’t have many friends.
We may be surrounded by people with whom we socialize, most of them are not our friends.
The old timer’s definition of a friend is one who “Knows enough secrets about you to destroy you and doesn’t, and knows the worst things about you, and still seeks your best interest anyway.”
Well, using that as a definition, our number of friends shrinks pretty fast. In some cases, there are family members who are not our friends. There are husbands and wives who are not friends. There are sisters and brothers who hate each other.
Friends hurt when they see you doing something wrong or making a mistake. They don’t endorse our bad decisions, but they help us in every way they can.
Friends help when we are in trouble or when we are troubled. You don’t have to ask they are just there. They don’t ask, “If there is anything I can do, call me.” They know you, they hang around and do what needs to be done, without waiting for you to ask.
What many people call friends are actually associates, acquaintances, business partners, sorority sisters, or frat brothers, but most of them are a long way from being friends.
When it gets down to it, all we really have is a couple of friends and Jesus. We count them all on the fingers of one hand.
Look at Proverbs 18:24 says, "A man who has friends must himself be friendly, But there is a friend who sticks closer than a brother."
What a friend we have Jesus. All our sins and griefs to bear..
He’s our best friend.