In Hot Springs Arkansas there is a fountain on Main Street, in the middle of the city, that offers free water.
The fountain delivers pure spring water, right out of the ground. It has absolutely no contaminants in it, no color, no taste, and no chemicals.
It comes out of the fountain 24 hours a day, 365 days a year at 140 degrees.
People from around the world come to Hot Springs because it's the only place in the entire National Park System that offers geothermal water as a potable water supply; that means you can drink it without treating it.
People who visit the Town can drive up in cars and trucks and fill up bottles, jugs, and cans with spring water free of charge.
Everywhere else in America people pay for bottles of water to drink, but in Hot Springs, anybody who wants a gallon or a hundred gallons of drinkable water can get it free.
Jesus said the good news that he brings to the world brings and hope. He called it living water, or water for life and anyone who wants it can get it for free.
In John 4:13 Jesus said, "Everyone who drinks this water will be thirsty again, but whoever drinks the water I give them will never thirst. Indeed, the water I give them will become in them a spring of water welling up to eternal life."
Wars have been fought over water and water rights because we need it to live.
Jesus offers us Living water, for free.
And we don’t have to go to Hot Springs to get it.