Monday, June 14, 2021

God has a hall of fame, too

   It’s easy to get upset when it seems that others, less worthy, get the honors you deserve; unless you have a humble spirit.

   Nobody knows this better than Jerry Kramer, an all-time pro-football great with Green Bay Packers. Kramer, by any standard, was among football’s greatest players, but it took 45 years for the Hall of Fame to recognize his life work.

   He played 11 seasons, which included 130 games. He was a part of three Pro Bowl Teams and the 1960s All-Decade Team.

   Despite all of the records he broke, the Hall of fame skipped over him for others. He was nominated 10 ten times and let down ten times.

   Anyone else would have been bitter, but he was thankful for all of the other others he received over the years. 

   However, some didn’t forget his work and in 2018 he was nominated for the 11th time, and this time he was immortalized in the Hall of fame.

   Often what we do for God seems insignificant. It is often ignored. 

  We often watch others receive credit and praise for lesser contributions that we have made. 


  We may get passed over down here, but God sees what we do. He will reward us with a “well done” and our work will be immortalized in heaven’s hall of fame.

   Proverbs 14:30 says, “A heart at peace gives life to the body, but envy rots the bones.”

   Don’t envy others who may be taking credit for your work; It’ll make you sick. Be happy that God knows what you do, and that’s all that counts.

   Welcome to the Hall of Fame

Sunday, June 13, 2021

In case of trouble, find your safe place

Most families plan for emergencies, including insuring that everyone knows the location of the safe place.

Some live in regions that are vulnerable to instate fires and floods. Families usually discuss and even practice what they are to do in case of a sudden house fire or flood that separates family members.

In our house, we practiced crossing the street and standing under the tree in our neighbor's yard in case of fire. If separated, we knew to find each other under the tree. We also knew, especially if there was a fire, that if one of us was not under the tree that it was possible that one family member may be still in the building.

It's good to have safe places to go in case of storms and hurricanes.

The storms of life usually happen suddenly and with little warning. When we have done everything that we know how to do we turn to God for shelter. He is our safe place.

That's the thought of Psalm 91: 2 says, “I will say of the Lord, “He is my refuge and my fortress, my God, in whom I trust.”

When life suddenly explodes all around us, it’s good to know that we can turn to Lord who will be our fortress.

He will protect us.

He is our safe place.

Saturday, June 12, 2021

Living water doesn't come in bottles

 In Hot Springs Arkansas there is a fountain on Main Street, in the middle of the city, that offers free water.

The fountain delivers pure spring water, right out of the ground. It has absolutely no contaminants in it, no color, no taste, and no chemicals.

It comes out of the fountain 24 hours a day, 365 days a year at 140 degrees.

People from around the world come to Hot Springs because it's the only place in the entire National Park System that offers geothermal water as a potable water supply; that means you can drink it without treating it.

People who visit the Town can drive up in cars and trucks and fill up bottles, jugs, and cans with spring water free of charge. 

Everywhere else in America people pay for bottles of water to drink, but in Hot Springs, anybody who wants a gallon or a hundred gallons of drinkable water can get it free.

Jesus said the good news that he brings to the world brings and hope. He called it living water, or water for life and anyone who wants it can get it for free.

In John 4:13 Jesus said, "Everyone who drinks this water will be thirsty again, but whoever drinks the water I give them will never thirst. Indeed, the water I give them will become in them a spring of water welling up to eternal life." 

Wars have been fought over water and water rights because we need it to live.

Jesus offers us Living water, for free.

And we don’t have to go to Hot Springs to get it.

Friday, June 11, 2021

In this life, you must hoe a straight row

 When I was young, I spent summers with my grandmother on a plantation in Pantherburn, Mississippi. Old-timers taught us life lessons while we worked the fields.

My uncle said, "Boy, you got to learn how to hoe your row. In these fields and as as you grow up to be a man."

I was five years old, trying to work with a hoe that was nearly three feet taller than me. I watched the grown folks cultivating empty fields and chopping rows for planting cotton that seemed like a mile long, and every row had to be straight.

At the end of the day, everybody had done two or more rows and they were straight as arrows. My little row was about half a football field and was crooked; it looked like spaghetti strips.

My uncle looked at my crooked rows and said, You can't hoe a straight row if you just looks at what's in front of yo' feet. You got to fix your eye on something at the end and go straight to it. It's that same way in life too, boy. Fix your eyes on where you trying to go and not on where you at right now. Ifn' you take your eyes off your mark, it's nary impossible to go straight."

I had my uncle in the fields, in life however, I learned in Sunday School that everybody needs the Lord keep to keep reminding us keep our eyes on the prize or we are subject to hoe a crooked roe every year.

I guess that's the meaning of Proverbs 3:6 says, "In all your ways submit to him, and he will make your paths straight."

My uncle taught me how to hoe a straight row, but learning how to finish my roe, was another lesson altogether. It takes a lifetime to do that.

From my uncle to you, "Don't get distracted, keep your eyes on the prize."

An expensive perfume won't make a nasty spirit sweet

   Some of my friends laugh at me when I tell them that my favorite cologne is “Old Spice.” They tell me that’s a cologne from wayyyyy back in the day.

They are right, I like it. I’ve been wearing it since I was in high school.

  Around the world, people spend tremendous amounts of money for perfumes and colognes.   

   The most expensive perfume in the world costs $1,800 a bottle. It is called Jean Patou’s Joy. It’s the most expensive because each bottle is made from 10,600 crushed jasmine flowers and 28 dozens of roses per bottle. 

    The most expensive men’s perfume is Eau D’Hadrien Annick Goutal Perfume – $1500 for a three oz bottle. It includes citron, lemon, Sicilian lemon, mandarin, and ylang-ylang, which are but some of the citrus fruits that have been blended to create its unique smell. 

    For me, Old Spice tops them all, primarily because it only costs 11.85 for a 4.25-ounce bottle. .What’s in it? Mostly Water, Fragrance, Benzyl Alcohol.

    I figure if I have a nasty spirit, the most expensive cologne in the world won’t do any good. the Bible says our lives send up a sweet aroma to God. That doesn’t come in a bottle.

    Ephesians 5:2 “and walk in love, just as Christ also loved you and gave Himself up for us, an offering and a sacrifice to God as a fragrant aroma.”

    God won’t check the labels on the aroma we send up before him, he'll check the spirit of the person from whom it originates.

    I guess my Old Spice will have to do in this life. 

    When I get up there, it won’t matter because there will be sweet spirits everywhere

    Stay sweet.

Tuesday, June 08, 2021

Sometimes, we just need a little help

   There are some people who go out of their way to help others; sometimes they even sacrifice their own safety and security to do so.

  You know them, they are:

  •   The neighbor who helps you move into a new house.
  •   A co-worker that takes a long drive with you, just to keep you company.
  •   An acquaintance that volunteers to help you with a project.
  •   The friend that listens as you vent your frustrations.

  All of these are examples of those who go out of their way to help us, with no requirement that we do the same.

  Many people help us because we are quick to help others. the Bible says anyone who wants friends, must show themselves friendly. That also means if you don't help others, don't complain when people leave you to fend for yourself, by yourself.

  Difficulties are easier when we have someone to help us, or even to listen to us complain as we cry on their shoulders 

  It’s tough when you have to face your challenge alone.

  Ecclesiastes 4:9-10 says, "Two are better than one; because they have a good reward for their labor. For if they fall the one will lift up his fellow; but woe to him that is alone when he falleth; for he hath not another to help him up. 

  It is good to have friends, but it is even better to know that our Lord will never leave us alone; he's the best friend we can ever have.

  He’s always by our side. 

Monday, June 07, 2021

Makeup hides lines that tell the real story

Suppose the look you had on your face five minutes ago was frozen on your face forever, what would that look be?

Time has a way tracing caricatures of our personalities onto our faces and locking them. It will take a ton of make up and a few plastic surgeries to hide what’s written on our faces.

In the theater, make up artists highlight or try to hide certain lines in our faces that reveal secrets.

For example, when there are deep lines between your eyebrows, it usually means that you frown a lot.

The superciliary arches, or the lines in your forehead reveal that you think a lot.

The nasalabial folds are the lines that run from your nose to your mouth on both sides. If they are deep, they usually mean you laugh and smile a lot. 

Lines under the eyes and dark depressions usually indicate worry, stress, depression or a lack of sleep.

These lines are drawn in our faces by time, they tell who we are and give hints to what type of personality might be hidden behind our makeup.

Galatians 5:22-23 gives us a few personality traits that could paint a love set of lines on our faces. The verse says, “But the fruit of the Spirit is love, joy, peace, forbearance, kindness, goodness, faithfulness, gentleness and self-control. Against such things there is no law.”

These personality traits tell the story of who we should be, the lines on our faces tell the real story.

They can be hidden or masked...

... but they can’t be undone.

Sunday, June 06, 2021

What's in the magazines under the mattress?

   You can tell a lot about a person by what he or she reads, or doesn’t read. 

   In the past, folks in our neighborhood tried to impress visitors by having a set of encyclopedias on bookshelves, visible for visitors to see. We had displayed the books, even if we didn't read them. Often our bookshelf titles gave visitors a quick snapshot of our interests and intellectual depth. 

 Everyone made sure there was a copy of Ebony Magazine visible on the coffee table and not “Sepia” the more prurient version of Ebony. We definitely didn't let them see the magazines we hid under our mattresses.

   We even put giant family bibles in our living rooms. They became places where we stored letters and documents, but we never really read the one in the living room; it was for show.

   For the most part, it all worked, at least until we opened our mouths and spoke. It didn't take long for folks to figure out that the great books on our shelves or the family Bibles in the living rooms often gave false impressions.

   What we read directs our conversation. It is said the great minds discuss ideas like freedom, justice, global warming, and world peace. Average minds discuss events such as football games, programs, pageants, and competitions. Those who don’t read much have a tendency to discuss other people: what they wear, how much they have, and who they love and don’t love.

    I’m not attracted to the last category; I love ideas. When I was 21, I decided to read the Harvard Classics which is excerpts from the 113 must-read books including Plato, Socrates, Emerson, and Thoreau.

   Like you, I read the Bible regularly for understanding and guidance. 

   You can tell Christians who read the Bible regularly. Their faith is stronger and they worry less. They are slow to sin and are sorry when they do.


   Psalm 119:11 says, "Thy word have I hid in mine heart, that I might not sin against thee."

   Like you, I read something from the Bible daily. Through his word, God speaks to us in the truths he reveals.

   It's true, God's word is a lamp unto my feet and light unto my path.

Saturday, June 05, 2021

She removed the training wheels; I didn't know it

I had training wheels on my bicycle until I was seven years old. Every bicycle I was given always had training wheels, that is until my stepmother said I was too old to be riding a bicycle with training wheels.

She removed the training wheels from my bike, but told me not to fear, she would run along with me.

Every day I went out to ride my bike, she ran along behind me and kept talking to me. It was fun.

After a while, she ran along beside me but she did not say much except I’m here. It was fun.

One day I rode the bike and she took off running beside me. I had fun. The wind was blowing in my face and I paddled very fast. I could hear her voice in my ear saying “You can do it. Keep it up. I got you if you fall.”

When I looked over my shoulder, I saw that she was still in the front yard, waving at me, saying “You can do it. Keep it up. I got you if you fall.”

I was riding without the training wheels! I couldn't believe it! All the while I could feel her hand steadying the bike and whispering in my ear. I really didn’t need the training wheels, I just didn’t know it.

When I think about her running along beside me I think of the Lord’s promise in Psalm 118:6-7 The Lord is with me; I will not be afraid. What can mere mortals do to me? The Lord is with me; he is my helper. I look in triumph on my enemies.

No matter what we face, we never ride into the future alone. God is always with us whispering in our ear. You can do it, keep it up. I got you if you fall.”

You don't have to ride a bike. He runs beside us every day, holding our hands, giving us confidence.

He says, "I got you if your fall."

Thursday, June 03, 2021

Don't judge me until you walk a mile in my shoes

An old proverb says we should not judge others until we have walked a mile in their shoes.

When you are struggling you are often criticized by some who say you should handle it differently. They don’t know, they haven’t walk in your shoes.

Their feet haven’t been where you have walked. They have never sat where you sit.

If you’ve never had children you don’t know what it’s like see them in trouble or face sickness or peril.

If you’ve never been married then you don’t know what it’s like when there is trouble in your home.

If you’ve never experienced the death of a loved one, then you have no idea what it's like to sit on the mourner’s seat at a funeral.

They have not walked in your shoes.

That’s why we love the Lord. He came as a man and faced the same life issues that we face: he was a poor man, who struggled to pay his taxes, didn’t own a home, faced the death of his friends, and was often the target of haters. - He definitely has walked a mile in our shoes.

Hebrews 2:14 says, “Since the children have flesh and blood, he too shared in their humanity so that by his death he might break the power of him who holds the power of death—that is, the devil—“

Jesus came to earth as a man and suffered like we suffer, so that he could understand how we feel and deliver us when we are at our lowest.

It's good to know that he has walked a mile in our shoes.

Tuesday, June 01, 2021

You can count real friends on your fingers!

If you are like many people, you don’t have many friends. 

We may be surrounded by people with whom we socialize, most of them are not our friends.

The old timer’s definition of a friend is one who “Knows enough secrets about you to destroy you and doesn’t, and knows the worst things about you, and still seeks your best interest anyway.”

Well, using that as a definition, our number of friends shrinks pretty fast. In some cases, there are family members who are not our friends. There are husbands and wives who are not friends. There are sisters and brothers who hate each other.

Friends hurt when they see you doing something wrong or making a mistake. They don’t endorse our bad decisions, but they help us in every way they can.

Friends help when we are in trouble or when we are troubled. You don’t have to ask they are just there. They don’t ask, “If there is anything I can do, call me.” They know you, they hang around and do what needs to be done, without waiting for you to ask.

What many people call friends are actually associates, acquaintances, business partners, sorority sisters, or frat brothers, but most of them are a long way from being friends.

When it gets down to it, all we really have is a couple of friends and Jesus. We count them all on the fingers of one hand.

Look at Proverbs 18:24 says, "A man who has friends must himself be friendly, But there is a friend who sticks closer than a brother."

What a friend we have Jesus. All our sins and griefs to bear..

He’s our best friend.

Monday, May 31, 2021

Good laughs, ribs, and chicken legs happen when the family gathers

 There are a few times a year when all of the family members gather and fellowship.

There are few people who are the life of the gathering because they make everyone laugh. They seem to remember the details of every mischievous deed that was done years ago. If the time the church deacon spiked the punch was supposed to be a secret, the family members who know "who did what and when"tell it all.

When they tell it on themselves and everybody else, they are sometimes loud and act really crazy.

When that crazy uncle shows up, you know it's going to be plenty of laughter and memories, especially if that crazy aunt shows up too. 

Don’t let there be a family gathering with four or five of the lively ones present at the same time. People laugh harder they have laughed in a long time with a bar-be-que rib in one hand and a chicken leg in the other.

It's funny watching granny eat ribs and corn on the comb with no teeth. 

It’s really funny watching the old-timers try to dance, especially those who haven’t noticed that it's been five decades since the Twist was the latest dance.

Whether it's Memorial Day, family reunion, or the Fourth of July, family gatherings are lots of fun. There is always plenty of food and laughter.

Since we deal with so much trouble, problems, and challenges, the company of loving family members who share funny stories, sentimental memories, and good times is just good medicine.

Proverbs 17:22 says, “A cheerful heart is good medicine, but a crushed spirit dries up the bones." 

When the family gets together in this life, there is joy. Just think about the day, when we will all get to heaven, that will be an even better time.

Everybody will be there... even that crazy uncle without the brown paper bag and the chicken leg

What a time, what a time.

Sunday, May 30, 2021

If you only had one magic wish, what would it be?

In elementary school, we read a set of stories called the “Arabian Nights.”  There were two that I remember: “Alibaba and the 40 thieves” and “Alladin and Magical Lamp.”

The lamp story was cool. Anyone who rubbed the magic lamp caused a geni to pop up and grant three wishes. In school, the teacher told the students to tell about our three wishes if we had the lamp. We had fun. We wished for No school, big motorcycles, rollercoasters in our back yards. 

I forgot my first two wishes, but I remember my last one. I wished that I would have three more wishes. The students laughed, but the teacher didn't

As adults, all of us have things we want out of life. Most of us have three big dreams and we spend our lives chasing them. For some they are like the pot of God at the end of the rainbow; the closer we get to them the farther they are away.

If you could ask the Lord for just one thing, and be assured that you would receive it, what would it be? 

How we answer that question defines priorities. It’s what motivates us and explains why we do the things we do. Hopefully, God will be pleased with our one wish.

David wrote about that one big request in Psalm 27:4, which says, "One thing I ask from the LORD, this only do I seek: that I may dwell in the house of the LORD all the days of my life, to gaze on the beauty of the LORD and to seek him in his temple."

God is not a geni in a bottle, but he does hear and answers prayer whenever we call him.

And if the one thing we ask him for is according to his will for our will be done.

Just be careful what you ask for, you just might get it. 

Saturday, May 29, 2021

I've seen God do the impossible, don't give up

In the course of my years, I have seen the power of God work in so many unbelievable ways that nearly nothing phases me. I am convinced that no condition is beyond the power of God.

I have seen car wreck victims hooked up on ventilators, with tubes running down their throats, wires attached to their arms and chests.  I have heard the beeping sound of hospital monitors and watched the rise a fall of hundreds of beds.

I have watched scores of people go into surgeries, and wake up drowsy in recovery rooms.

I have seen cancer, gunshot wounds, infant deaths, suicides, murders, brain tumors, and just about every “itis” in the books.

What makes me so confident is that I have seen more people healed than anyone thought. In fact, I have seen more healed than otherwise.

Sometimes the shock of what we hear from doctors makes us afraid. We are even warier when we see all of the medicines prescribed for us along with therapies, rehabilitation, and what seems like scores of tests. The whole process wears you down.

What brings confidence is that every week I talk with people who were once deathly sick, but are now fully recovered. 

The key is that they did not give up on God and they had a spouse or at least one friend who would not allow them to give up on themselves.

When you have seen God work as much as I have, you really believe that prayer changes things. We also believe that if we ask for a healing and he chooses to do so, it doesn’t matter how bad the situation looks, God can do it.

Of course, sometimes what we ask for is not in God’s plan. We accept that too, but we ask anyway because we also know that God has been known to change his mind

Mark this verse in your Bible for inspiration: Jeremiah 30:17: "But I will restore you to health and heal your wounds,’ declares the LORD" 

Friday, May 28, 2021

Add the "Devil Alert" to your alarm list

We are surrounded by alarms, alerts. There are so many of them that they can really get on your nerves.

I have a video alarm system on all of the entrances and exits to my house. There are motion detectors inside and out. When anyone passes close to my house or crosses my yard, I get an alert.

The cats trip it off. A dog. A bird. If a butterfly gets too close it sends an alert.

At my office, there are security lights around my building and there are cameras with infra-red lights recording everything inside and outside.

There are alarms on my car, alarms on my watch, and there are alarms at the church that often get routed to me when they go off.

There are smoke detector alarms, carbon monoxide alarms, and alarms to let you know when the batteries in the alarms are getting low.

Just when I think I have all of the alarms controlled, right in the middle of my favorite episode of Gunsmoke there is an emergency alert that interrupts to test the National Emergency System.

The alarms are designed that we can be aware when there is a breach of safety or when a predator is nearby. It's good to have them, even if they are a nuisance sometimes.

The Bible says that we should always be awake and on guard because the devil is on his job 24 hours a day.

We should stay prayed up because the Holy Spirit is our Devil Alarm. He helps us to know when the devil is trying to do us harm and gives us ample warning and time to get away or to avoid loss or temptation.

Luke 21:36 tells us to stay alert. It says, "But stay awake at all times, praying that you may have strength to escape all these things that are going to take place, and to stand before the Son of Man.”

It's good to know that the Lord watches over us 24 hours a day. He never slumbers or sleeps. If something goes wrong, he'll speak to our spirit and warn us and give us a chance to avoid danger.

Pray keeps your Devil Alarm charged.

To keep alert, stay prayed up.

Thursday, May 27, 2021

I like the Temptations, but I love "Amazing Grace"

We all have favorite singers. I have several, depending on the genre.

Among R & B Singers I am a fan of the Temptations and The Ojays. I like the lyrics of their songs. I'm a James Brown fan, although he didn't do much singing; the rhythm of his music caught my attention in my youth.

I like Isaac Hayes and Harold Melvin and the Bluenotes, their mix of strings and instruments catches my ear. I like the acapella harmony of "Take Six" and the tight harmony of Earth, Wind, and Fire. My wife has made me a fan of Luther Vandross.

I also like the classics. I listen to Handel's Messiah regularly. I like the Mormon Tabernacle Choir and James Cleveland's Gospel Music Workshop Choir. Among the quartets, it would have to be the Mighty Clouds of Joy.

I like dramatic hymns like the "Battle Hymn of the Republic" and the beautiful harmony of True Praise. Negro Spirituals rank high on my list, too.

Hymns and Anthems are my favorites. The words speak of the grace of God, his majesty, and point me to his return. When I'm alone, my Spotify account finds them all and I absorb the simple melodies and lyrics.

I'm not to keen on the modern Prosperity "bless me" songs or the "I want your body" type Hip Hop songs.

Each to his own.

Each of us has a favorite song, but when it comes to songs about the Lord, I like the majestic songs that sing about his power and his "Amazing Grace."

These songs reflect the spirit of Isaiah 24:14 “They shall lift up their voice, they shall sing for the majesty of the LORD, they shall cry aloud from the sea.

We all have songs that reflect our spirit, but there is a special place in our heart for one special song we sang when we were children.

Yes Jesus loves me, for the Bible tells me so.

Keep that song on your lips and never forget its lyrics.

They will bring you peace.

Tuesday, May 25, 2021

They wanted a co-signer, it took me a while to figure out why

 I remember my first car. A man sold it to me for $75.00 in 1968. After about two weeks, I found out why he sold it so cheap; the engine was bad.

The loan company praised me, raised my hopes to get another car. To get the car, all I needed was a co-cosigner. I didn't know what co-signer meant, so my stepfather signed with me. I later learned that the loan for the car was made to my stepfather and not me.

He stood for me to help me get started. I paid the note $65 note each month, but I didn't know the car was really in his name.

I worked hard to make sure the note was paid every month. Then two months later, the transmission went out.

My stepfather said nothing. I worked double hard to pay for the transmission repair and worked hard to make sure that I paid the $65.00 every month on time.

It took me two years to pay for that car and I felt great to get the title put in my name. My stepfather gave me a chance to prove myself and assumed the risk if I messed up.

I did pretty good paying off that first car, but when I stood on my own, I went crazy. I charged up everything, got myself deep in debt, and by the time I was 25 I had to file bankruptcy. Despite the bankruptcy, I paid off all of my creditors. It took 12 years to pay them all.

My stepfather gave me a chance to establish credit. I blew it and had to learn a hard lesson.

Most of us learned some hard lessons along the way. We really messed up in life, love, marriage, and even faith. Thank goodness, our savior gives us second, third, fourth, and even the 490th chance.

What I learned in the school of life is something the Bible teaches us all in Ecclesiastes 5:5, "It is better that you should not vow than that you should vow and not pay."

Thank God for second chances.

Monday, May 24, 2021

Cats get stuck in trees, we do too; Jesus can help us down

 My house seems to be a magnet for the neighborhood's stray cats. They seem to come from everywhere, probably because I feed them.

Cats are fast and agile and if they are chasing after something that scrambles up a tree, they can get into high gear and climb right behind them. They get can climb pretty high and sometimes get out on a limb.

I find it strange that while cats can climb up a tree, but it's rare to see a cat climb down. Everything about them seems made to climb up; they have claws on their feet and strong hind legs. They can climb down, it's just rare that they do; they usually just jump.

If they climb too high to jump to the ground; they just sit there.

Like cats, we often find that we have run ourselves up trees and we are sitting there, out on a limb. Like cats, we often just sit there, stuck.

When cats get stuck, we either climb up and bring them down or call the fire department. However, when we get stuck in depressed states in which we feel like a B.B. King blues lyric, nothing but the Lord can bring us down.

In our pity party, the voice of Christ speaks to us. If we listen we can hear him say, "Servant, come down out of that tree." Stop feeling sorry for yourself. Come down, let's have a little talk and work it out.

An old song says, "Jesus a little take with Jesus makes it right."

Think on this passage. Luke 19: 4-6 "And he ran before, and climbed up into a sycomore tree to see him: for he was to pass that way. 5And when Jesus came to the place, he looked up, and saw him, and said unto him, Zacchaeus, make haste, and come down; for today I must abide at thy house. And he made haste, and came down, and received him joyfully.

If you've found yourself up a tree, don't jump, let the Lord talk you down.


Sunday, May 23, 2021

Does a sleep study, listen when you snore?

What keeps you up at night walking the floors without sleep?

People study just about everything these days, they even study how and when we sleep.

The doctors say a growing number of folks have what they call "sleep disorders." Some don't get enough sleep or sleep too long.

If they do sleep then they frequently wake up and can't get back to sleep.

Some people sleep all night long and are tired when they wake up.

The doctors say a lack of sleep saps your energy level, work performance, and quality of life.

Some can't sleep because of worry, or stress. Some just have bad mattresses.

On the flip side, There may be people who can't sleep but there are a lot of people who can't stay awake. They sleep at work, in their favorite chair, while they drive their cars or even at church.

No wonder why they have sleep studies. I wonder do they study whether we snore?

I don't require but about four hours of sleep a day to fully recharge. You may take seven or eight hours to be fully recharged. Everybody has a different level.

What's for sure is that you sleep better when you are at peace, feel safe, without disturbances. That's good sleep, no matter how long it is.

Psalms 4:8 I will both lay me down in peace, and sleep: for thou, Lord, only makest me dwell in safety.

At the end of your day, put what worries you in God's hands and get ready for the best sleep you've ever had.

The folks who are studying your sleep will never know how you did it.