Monday, September 06, 2021

Father to the fatherless

 Have you noticed the number of fatherless homes there are today?

  The latest official reports estimated that there are 25 million people who are from single-parent homes where the father is unknown or absent from the family he begat.

  That’s a big problem. John Sowers, in his book “Fatherless Generation,” says society is paying for this breakdown in families with higher crimes and a cultural shift that’s really taking a toll.

  We can’t undo what already exists, so he suggests that we all become mentors for the fatherless kids on our street. Fathers and grandpas have a lot to offer and you’ll be surprised, often our efforts to give advice or be a friend will be accepted.

  God is our spiritual father and we are all his children.

  When we work with the kids of fatherless homes, they see the hands of God and they hear the voice of God when we speak.

  Through our concern, they come to know that God, working through us, reaches out to them in love.

   Romans 8:16 The Spirit himself testifies with our spirit that we are God’s children.

   Let’s pray for the fatherless families and also for the baby daddies that don’t know how to be fathers.

   Until then, let’s show the kids the love of the father, which is in heaven.

Saturday, September 04, 2021

Stay on the path, it leads to glory

 Despite our burdens, every believer should march on, singing the words of our anthem: "God of our weary years, God of our silent tears, thou who has brought us thus far along the way, thou who has by thy might, led us into the light, keep us forever in the path we pray!"

 If we stay on the right path God will be for us. Romans 8:31 reminds us that "If God be for us, who can be against us?"


If we stay on the right path, it won't matter about the burdens because Romans 8:37 says, "In all these things we are more than conquerors through him that loved us."

If we stay on the right path, it won't matter how many barriers are placed in front of us because we remember that Philippians 4:13 says, "I can do all things through Christ which strengtheneth me"

Troubles don’t matter when you know the Lord is with you!

 When the Lord is with you, you can call on him, like great-grandma did when she said, "Lord, I'm down here waiting, please don't pass me by!"

Psalm 55:22 “Cast thy burden upon the LORD, and he shall sustain thee: he shall never suffer the righteous to be moved.

Walk with me Lord, Walk with me! While I'm on this tedious journey, I want Jesus to walk with me.

Tuesday, August 31, 2021

It's all good

The beauty of the Christian life is that we have learned to be happy in any situation; it’s all good!

A few years ago a young lady attended our worship service and sat smiling on the second row. I recognized her presence and asked her to stand, but someone whispered to me that she had no legs. Embarrassed, I tried to play it off and told her to wave her hand. That’s when they told me that she had no arms.

She wasn’t offended but kept a big smile on her face because without arms or legs she has led a happy life, had a boyfriend, and believe it or not was once suspended from school for fighting. And she won!

She dresses herself, gets around by herself, feeds herself, and seems to be the happiest person around.

She learned to live with conditions that others thought were handicaps and enjoys every day of her life.

As Christians, we have learned to enjoy the life God has given us. Sometimes we have and sometimes we don’t have. We can be happy either way.

Philippians 4:12 says, "I know what it is to be in need, and I know what it is to have plenty. I have learned the secret of being content in any and every situation, whether well fed or hungry,y whether living in plenty or in want.

The secret to happiness is giving God thanks for what you have without complaining about what you don’t have.

It’s all good because it's the life God gave us to live.

Monday, August 30, 2021

Anyway the wind blows is cool with me

   A windmill stands isolated and alone and harnesses the wind from any direction. It's reminiscent of the old Syl Johnson song: Anyway the wind blows is cool with me.

 You’ve never seen a windmill turn backward because they have a tail or rudder that detects the wind direction and the windmill changes when the wind changes. Big turbines are designed to rotate to face the wind and have sails or blades designed to absorb the impulse of the wind into its rotation. They will always do that and will turn as designed, no matter the direction of the wind.

  Windmills harness the wind and generate power; it doesn’t matter the direction. Just as a sailor can harness the winds that go against him and force it to push him forward.

  We should learn something from these truths. Sometimes the winds don’t blow the way we like or they blow against us, but we should be sensitive to the direction that the Holy Spirit leads us; He teaches us how to face an evil wind and keep going straight ahead toward the prize.

John 3:8 The wind blows where it wishes, and you hear the sound of it, but cannot tell where it comes from and where it goes. So is everyone who is born of the Spirit.

 Everyone born of the spirit knows how to harness the wind and say, “Anyway the wind blows is cool with me.”

 God’s got my back

Friday, August 27, 2021

Even a mask can't hide your smile

   One of the problems with wearing a mask during the pandemic is that it gets hard to recognize people.

But in case you haven’t noticed it, those who know you, still recognize you, even though you wear your mask. How is that? They can see your eyes!

   The old-timers say that our eyes are the windows to the soul. An artist who paints a picture takes great pains to capture the eyes because they reveal who we are and what we think.

   A person whose smile is hidden behind a mask still can bring joy to another person because the muscles that make us smile are tied to the ones that make our eyes crinkle. We can watch the crinkle around a person's eyes and tell that he is smiling with his lips that are hidden behind a mask.

   It’s kind of hard to hide joy and happiness. Even if a mask covers our faces our eyes tell the story.

   Proverbs 17:22 A cheerful heart is good medicine, but a crushed spirit dries up the bones.

   Even a mask can’t hide your smiling face. It shows the world the joy you have in your soul!

Thursday, August 26, 2021

Blessed in our mess

     Often we are frustrated with the mess we have made of our lives. That's when we feel like Jacob whose life was really a mess.

Because of the stolen blessing, he and his brother were at odds. In fact, his brother threatened to kill him the next time he saw him.

    He worked seven years to get the woman he loved and then discovered that he had to marry her sister too and work seven more years. After 21 years, he had 12 sons by two wives. He was blessed but he was in a mess.

    He returned home but had to face his angry brother.

    In that mess, he wrestled with God until he received a final blessing that changed his name from Jacob to Israel.

    Even in his difficulties, frustration, and self-created mess, he was blessed

That should give us all a little encouragement. Let's praise God for helping in this mess we created for ourselves. It's not his fault that we mess up. We're glad that he won't leave us.

Psalm 37:27 Let those who delight in my righteousness shout for joy and be glad and say evermore, “Great is the Lord, who delights in the welfare of his servant!”

As you look back over the day, remember that even though we are frustrated by our circumstances, God is still blessing us every day.

Monday, August 23, 2021

Hungry for the word? God's got all you can eat!

 True believers can't go long without developing a hunger for the Word of God. 

 We long to be in his presence. We yearn for the songs of faith and hope. 

We long to hear the prayers and to feel the security and inspiration of the preached word.

  There are many church members who can belong to a church and be absent from worship, bible study, and learning situations, for long periods of times. 

  They are like the man who complained that the preacher at his church only has two subjects. "Every time I come to church he always preaching on the same thing. It's either the birth of Christ or the resurrection of Christ, it's time for him to get something new!" 

  Psalm 63:1 You, God, are my God, earnestly I seek you; I thirst for you, my whole being longs for you,

in a dry and parched land where there is no water.

  There is something on the inside of true believers that pushes us to want to hear a word from God. We want to read the Word of God, worship in public, watch on television, and listen to tapes. We want to hear a word from the Lord! 

  If you are hungry for the word of God, he’ll give you all you can eat

Friday, August 20, 2021

It's a big deal to have the keys to the house!

We give our children the keys to our homes;  but we know everything is Copestetic when they give us the key to theirs.

One of the symbols of maturity in youth is the day that parents trust their children with a key to the house. Until that time, parents did not have confidence that their children could be trusted come and go in a responsible.

The child who had the key had access.

We feel welcomed to the treasures of heaven because Christ has given us the key. We feel we have access anytime.

Consider the young man who had gone away from home to start his own family. He bought himself a new home, car and lived rather lavishly. One day his parents received a letter in the mail. The letter contained a ring of keys and a note. Curious, the parents read the note which said: "Dear Mom and Dad. Please find enclosed the key to my new car, key to my home burglar alarm code, the combination to my safe. Anything I have, please feel free to use or borrow. You gave me full access to your treasures; I give you full access to mine." 

At the bottom of the note was a P.S.: "By the way I still have the key to your front door...just in case!"  The parents felt welcomed to their son's home. He also felt welcome to return home anytime.

Romans 15:7 Therefore receive one another, just as Christ also received [a]us, to the glory of God.

To show us how much he loves us, Christ has given us the keys to the kingdom, and faith unlocks the door.

Tuesday, August 17, 2021

A $10,000 shoe is worth nothing on Holy Ground

We wear some expensive shoes today, but they are of no value on holy ground.

The most expensive shoe brands have price tags that make your head turn, such as the Jimmy Choo Icons that sell for $3,785 a pair.


The Gucci leather boot is a meager $3,750 a pair.

The Lui Vuitton Manhatten men’s shoe sells for $10,000 a pair or the Stuart Weitzman Rita Hayward heels that sell for $3 million a pair.

If you really want to think rich, you can buy a pair of Harry Winston ruby slippers that contain 460 ruby pieces and 50 carats of diamonds. It tops the market at $3.1 million a pair.

So you thought your Nike, Adidas, and Red Bottoms were the in thing? You better get a bigger limit on your credit card.

No matter how much we pay for our shoes, clothes, or hairstyles, when we stand before God, we must humble ourselves before him. When we come before him, he’s not impressed with how much we paid for our shoes; after all, he holds the wealth of the world in his hands. He’s looking for hearts of gold, not shoes worth their weight in gold.

Exodus 3:5 says, "...draw not nigh hither; put off thy shoes from off thy feet, for the place whereon thou standest is holy ground.

The price tag on our shoes or clothing might impress our friends, but what impresses God is our willingness to obey him.

Only a pure heart should stand before him on Holy Ground.

Over in the corner, your high price shoes lie right next to my dollar store knocks.

We are the same before God.

Monday, August 16, 2021

Can you pass the faith test?

 Our faith in God is maintained by what we know about him. Can you pass the test?

If you are surrounded by enemies, will the Lord leave you to defend yourself?

If you have done more wrong things than you have good things, will God leave you to fend for yourself?

If you are old and feeble and can’t serve as you once did, will the Lord dump you for a younger model?

Is there a certain time of day that you must pray?

Do you need to be on your knees to pray to God?

Well, let's check-up. Your answer to every question should have been “NO.”

God will never leave true believers by themselves or abandon them because they are old. You can call on him any time of day, and you don’t have to be on your knees!

Congratulations! It’s good to know Jesus. It’s also good for him to know you.

 Deuteronomy 31:8 And the Lord, he it is that doth go before thee; he will be with thee, he will not fail thee, neither forsake thee: fear not, neither be dismayed.

The Lord is always near to you; he will never leave you or forsake the faithful.

You passed the test.

Good for you.

Sunday, August 15, 2021

Thank God for the blood

    It's good to know that we are protected, saved, and strengthened by the blood of Christ.

God recognizes that true saints have put themselves under the protection of Christ. We are identified by the presence of the blood of Christ covering our lives. 

   Just as God told Israel, “When I see the blood, I will pass over you;" he says the same to us.

   When I see the blood, I’ll take your unsettled spirit and give you comfort.

   When I see the blood, I’ll take your defeat and give you the victory!

   When I see the blood, I’ll take your bowed down head and lift it up high!

   When I see the blood, I’ll take your spiritual blindness and help you see your way!

   There are some things in this world that we cannot attain without the blood.

   The songwriter asked the question, “What can wash away my sins?” Then he answered what every born-again Christian already knows, its “Nothing but the blood

of Jesus!” What can make me whole again? Nothing but the blood of Jesus! Oh precious is the flow that makes me white as snow, nothing but the blood of Jesus!"

    When you’ve been washed in the blood, you can sing with new meaning, “I know it was the blood. I know it was the blood that saved me.”

    1 Peter 1:19 explains how we can be saved, protected, and provided for all simultaneously. It says,  “But with the precious blood of Christ, as of a lamb without blemish and without spot: 

    Thank God for the blood.

Saturday, August 14, 2021

In tough situations, pray your way out!

If you find yourself in a tough situation, our first step should be to pray for a way out.

That’s different from looking for a way out. When we look for a way out, we are trying to find the way out ourselves. When we pray, we ask God to show us the way out.

 When we pray, we talk to God and tell him the sincere desires of our hearts. When we pray, we pour out our souls to him. We empty our spirit and prostrate ourselves before Him.

 When we pray, God hears us and responds to our prayer requests. God's only requirement of us is that we abide in him and that his words abide in us. 

 Before talking to God about our troubles, we must humble ourselves before him and repent for our sins. We repent because we dare not ask God for blessings while we are practicing sinners. Second, we ask God to show us His and submit ourselves to Him.

 In humility, we pray, without ceasing, not that our troubles would end but that His will should be done. Praying for the will of God to be done opens doors for us. When doors open, we can find a way out. 

 Psalm 40:17 17 But as for me, I am poor and needy; may the Lord think of me. You are my help and my deliverer; you are my God, do not delay.

 It does not matter how we came to be in a situation; what matters is how we get out. The first step is to pray your way out. 

Thursday, August 12, 2021

Don't know what you want? We do!

 Many people have no idea what they want in life, but Christians do.

Some have tried some of everything  trying to find happiness, and now after many years of trial and error, are no closer than they were at the beginning

There are people that want big houses because they somehow felt that a big house meant having a happy home. Homes and houses are not the same. Some want the house, but they are not willing to do what it takes to have a happy home.

The prodigal son was at home with a family that loved him. There was a roof over his head and food on the table yet he didn't want what he had. He wanted something else and went into the far country where he wasted his life only to realize that what he really wanted was back home.

 Many today are searching, chasing rainbows, and looking for four-leaf clovers. They don’t know what they want.

 We should examine ourselves and ask, what is it that I really want?

 Often what we want is freely available in the hands of God, we can get it if we run to him instead of away from him.

  If you are searching read Lamentations 3:40. Let us search and try our ways, and turn again to the LORD.

  The faithful should be secure in the Lord's promise. He has promised us eternal life; that's what we really want. 

Tuesday, August 10, 2021

Seniors, its' a wonderful life, enjoy it!

 We all cherish our youth, but most of the wisdom we acquired didn’t come when we were young, it came after we’ve packed in a few years.

In youth, we do stupid things. In our senior years, we are a little wiser.

Among us, there are many who live to the magic number of 70 years, called out threescore and ten. But there are many who get the benefit of bonus years and they live to 80 and beyond.

What do you do when you turn 80? Well, Moses didn’t begin his journey as the spokesman for Israel’s deliberation until he was 80. Queen Elizabeth of England is 95 and never misses a step. 

If you have a reasonable portion of health and strength, it's good to enjoy your golden years.

Psalm 90:10 As for the days of our life, they contain seventy years, Or if due to strength, eighty years, Yet their pride is but labor and sorrow; For soon it is gone and we fly away.

Before they fly away, seniors are enjoying themselves cooking, talking with family, keeping house and some even travel.

It’s a wonderful life, enjoy every day!

Saturday, August 07, 2021

We give God thanks for everything, even the toilet paper.

 We give God thanks for everything, even the toilet paper

During the height of the COVID Pandemic in 2020, there was a general feeling of panic because many homes experienced quarantines and were locked in for 14 days.

Nearly every household began to stock up on supplies because no one knew if they would contract the virus and would face a mandatory lockdown. Food pantries were stocked with freezable meats and vegetables, various cuts of meat, snacks, sodas, and hundreds of bottles of water.

However, no one expected there to be run on toilet paper and paper towels? Who would have thought that people in stores would wait outside of Walmart in long lines to purchase bottles of Lysol and rolls of toilet tissue?

Those who successfully secured paper products were happy and gave each other high fives because they had secured the paper products their homes needed.

During the Pandemic, we learned to give God thanks for something we took for granted, good old four-play toilet paper.

Many ran out of stores shouting with joysaying, “Thank you Jesus,” I’ve been blessed.

Psalm 9:1 I will give thanks to you, LORD, with all my heart; I will tell of all your wonderful deeds.

So while you thank God for your car, house, clothes, and reasonable health and strength, don’t forget the toilet paper.

Tuesday, August 03, 2021

They knew us before we were born, God did, too!

 Growing up, it was kinda weird when an older person told us, “I knew you before you knew yourself.” They were not the only ones who could say that, God could say that, too.

We depend on our parents, grandparents, aunts, and uncles to tell us about our life before we took our first breath. We don’t remember the nine months we spent in the womb. It’s a blank.

Researchers say we don’t remember much about ourselves before we were three years old. If we do they are the big things or scary things. Even then, our memory about it is foggy.

Older family members started watching us as take shape. They saw our tendencies and traits. They saw it before we did.

As we grew older the old folks in our families started comparing our physical traits, talents, and quirks to others in the family. Pretty soon, it became obvious that we had the stuff to be teachers, architects, football players, leaders or followers. 

They saw it before we did and started nudging us to develop our potential.  We that happens the dance lessons, karate classes, piano lessons, music lessons and a variety of other lessons begin.

God knows us, too. Even more than our parents or our grandparents, he knew us before we knew ourselves. In the womb, he gave us gifts, talents, and skills. Many of us have them, but it seems that everyone recognizes it but us.

Jeremiah 1:5 says, “Before I formed you in the womb I knew you before you were born I set you apart..”

Before we were born God equipped us for our lifework. He gave us talents, gifts, and certain traits to accomplish that.

The old folks in your family knew it when we were crawling around on your knees. 

If we don’t know it by now, we can find out when you talk to God on our knees.

Saturday, July 31, 2021

Hell ain't cool, but heaven is!

When I was about 11 I had a large collection of comic books, but when I saw the book about Hell, it wasn’t funny.

Collecting and trading comic books was fascinating to me. I had all of the comics: Superman, Superboy, Dick Tracy, Bat Man, and all of the rest. 

I even have a collection of the Classics in Comics such as Ivanhoe, Romeo and Juliet, and McBeth. In pictures, I came to understand great ideas and often lost myself in the comic book world of Mickey Mouse, Daffy Duck, and Mighty Mouse.

The old folks called comics, funny books. And they were funny until I came upon a set of comic books about Dante’s Inferno. In these comic pictures depicted ungodly people being tossed into hell fire. That was a nightmare. I didn’t like that picture and soon got rid of that book. I figured If I didn’t see it, I wouldn’t think about it. And the place would go away.

In Sunday school, I learned about heaven, but then I also learned that the unrighteous will be condemned to hell. I decided that I wanted to learn more about heaven and how to get there. I wanted to be sure my name was on the list of those going to heaven.

Revelation 20:15 says, "And whosoever was not found written in the book of life was cast into the lake of fire."

Hell won’t be a good place. It certainly won’t be cool.

I bought the funny book that showed me pictures about hell, but it sure wasn’t funny.

I found it better to dream about going to heaven.

 I found heaven in a book too, it’s called the Bible.

Thursday, July 29, 2021

God doesn't have email, prayer is faster

We reach people today by mail, phone or social chat sites. God doesn’t have an email, how do you reach him?

Email is the accepted method of communication today. There was a time that people sent letters, but mostly business-related items or matters that are very important or sent by snail mail. These might include government agencies such as the IRS, the Social Security Administration, or The Veterans administration. Sale papers still come in the mail, too.

Today, everyone wants your email address. If you don’t do email then they want your cell phone number so they can send you a text. Even doctor appointments are being conducted over the phone, so they need your FaceTime address.

If you don’t want to be contacted, all you have to do is cancel your phone, kill your internet, email, and Cablevision. Most likely you will then be pretty hard to find.

There are times when we want to get a message to God, but he doesn’t have an email, twitter or a cellphone number. How do we get a message to God? What’s his number? That’s where Jesus comes in. We pray our prayers to God in Jesus’ name. He delivers each and every one. 

God doesn’t have email, the only way to get him a message is to pray, in Jesus’ name. It’ll get there on time.

John 14:6: Jesus said to him, “I am the way, and the truth, and the life; no one comes to the Father but through Me.”

When you pray in Jesus’ name you’re praying to the whole Godhead at the same time. Instead of 911, you are calling 1-1-1

One for the father, one for the son, and one for Holy Ghost.

Try it, before you finish speaking the words in faith, you'll get a direct connection and your message is delivered on time every time.

Before you plan tomorrow, check with God

In the past folks made promises, but conditioned them on whether not the promises were within the will of God.

We heard the old times say things such as “You can count on me, if the wills it.”

Or some would say, “If the Lord say the same and the creek don’t rise.”

There was a lot of wisdom in those old sayings because they acknowledged that we don’t control tomorrow, but God does.

For country folks, the possibility of flash floods, without notice, was always on their mind. No promise could be kept if the waters of the creek overflowed and washed out the roads and caused floods.

We make plans for tomorrow and next year, but all of our plans are contingent upon the will of God who controls the entire world. So the Bible teaches us not to make concrete promises but to always condition them on whether God’s plans and our plans are going in the same direction.

James 4:14-15 says, “Whereas ye know not what shall be on the morrow. For what is your life? It is even a vapour, that appeareth for a little time, and then vanisheth away. For that ye ought to say, If the Lord will, we shall live, and do this, or that."

Every day of our lives is in the hand of God.

Any plans we make are tentative, they depend on what God has on schedule for tomorrow.

We don’t know what he plans for us, but whatever it is, he’s got us covered.

Whatever you plan for tomorrow, put it in God’s hand and resolve to do it, “If the Lord says the same, and the creek don’t rise.”